ÖGAI Award 2013-2016 for Patrick Rodler
Congratulations: Patrick Rodler was awarded in January 2018 with the Recognition Award of the Austrian Society for Artificial Intelligence 2013-2016 (ÖGAI) for his outstanding master thesis “A Theory of Interactive Debugging of Knowledge Bases in Monotonic Logics”.
The Austrian Society for Artificial Intelligence awards the ÖGAI-Award for the best diploma thesis / master thesis in a sub-area of Artificial Intelligence to support young scientists.
(from left to right): Prof. Stefan Woltran (Jury), Patrick Rodler (Winner), Prof. Ernst Buchberger (ÖGAI President), Thomas Krismayer (Winner), Prof. Thomas Eiter (Jury)
Der Beitrag ÖGAI Award 2013-2016 for Patrick Rodler erschien zuerst auf Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt.
Source: AAU TEWI