Media and Convergence Management: Ideally qualified for professional challenges!
Isabell Koinig is the programme director of the Master’s degree in Media and Convergence Management. Her research interests are broad and cover a spectrum that includes the science of advertising and market research, media economics, and international management. She spoke to us about interface management, nomophobia, and her personal approach to media studies.
How did you become a media and communication scientist?
The simple answer to this question would be: I have always enjoyed reading and writing. A more precise answer would be: I deliberately chose a field of study that develops quickly and does not stand still. I am curious and always look for new challenges, so the degree in Media and Communication Studies (in combination with English and American Studies) was the ideal choice for me.
What significance do you attach to media in today’s workplace?
Media determine our everyday lives – they facilitate many processes, but at the same time they bring about new challenges and, in the worst cases, lead to dependencies. In recent years, both media reception and human consumption have changed dramatically. News is increasingly being received online or even via social media, and purchases are increasingly made online. Google is the first source for search queries. This shift and dependency also becomes apparent when looking at the word of the year 2018, which the Oxford English Dictionary determined following an online survey: nomophobia. This refers to the fear of being separated from one’s mobile phone and thus being inaccessible to social and business contacts.
What exactly does convergence management mean?
Convergence describes the merging of previously separate areas that have increasingly become inseparable. This applies above all to industries, products, companies, media and technologies. The concept of convergence is exciting – many people believe that convergence does not affect them at all. But there is one example that nicely illustrates convergence: the smart phone, our everyday companion. The mobile or smart phone combines many of the services we need to manage our daily lives, e.g. Internet function, alarm clock, e-mail client, radio and TV. Convergence brings new challenges to nearly all companies, as the traditional boundaries are blurring and new (interface) management is required.
What special features does the master’s programme offer?
The form of convergence described above is, of course, only one example of the many developments we are facing today. For companies, for instance, the increase in mobile communication means that content has to be adapted to different devices, such as tablets and apps. This is where the term usability comes into play, because consumers or recipients only accept information that is prepared in an appealing and user-friendly way. In addition, companies are not only operating globally, but also across industries, which requires special knowledge of regional and legal conditions. A special feature of the master’s programme is its interdisciplinary nature. Students acquire knowledge and skills in the areas of media and communication science, economics, management and technical sciences, which are meant to prepare them for their future roles and positions in the European and international labour markets.
What career prospects do graduates of the MCM Master’s programme have?
Our graduates have gained a foothold in numerous branches in Austria and other European countries, where they work, for example, in marketing, sales management and database management at companies such as Momondo, Amazon, Sky or Kelag. Two of our graduates are also employed in the academic field or in media companies such as the Kleine Zeitung. Overall, companies value the education that the students have obtained, as they possess in-depth knowledge from three important areas: media and communication, business administration and technology and computer science.
Who can apply to join the Master’s degree programme?
In general, graduates of all Bachelor’s programmes can apply for the Master’s degree in Media and Convergence Management. Since the study is offered exclusively in English, excellent English skills (C1 level) are a prerequisite.
Could you briefly explain the application procedure?
All documents must be uploaded to our online application platform in English; afterwards, suitable candidates are selected.
The application period for the upcoming academic year runs from 1 March 2019 to 15 September 2019.
About the person
Isabell Koinig is the programme director of the interdisciplinary Master’s degree programme in Media and Convergence Management. The degree programme teaches students core skills in the areas of media and communication, management, marketing, and in the field of technology.

About the degree programme
Masterstudium Media and Convergence Management
Application period: 1 March 2019 – 15 September 2019
If you have any questions about the application procedure or the admission requirements, please contact us by writing to mcm [at]
Der Beitrag Media and Convergence Management: Ideally qualified for professional challenges! erschien zuerst auf University of Klagenfurt.
Source: AAU TEWI