Job Announcement: PreDoc Scientist (f/m)
The Department of Applied Informatics (Research Group Adaptive and Networked Production Systems) invites applications for the position of an
PreDoc Scientist (f/m) (in German: Universitätsassistent/in)
The tasks and responsibilities of the position include:
- Participation in research and teaching activities of the Research Group Adaptive and Networked Production Systems
- Independent research with the goal of Doctoral Promotion within the period of appointment
- Dedicated collaboration in administrative and organizational tasks of the department
- Project collaboration with academic and industrial partners of the research group
- Participation in public relations activities of the department and faculty
Required Qualifications:
- Completed Master’s or Diploma studies with substantial focus on Informatics (e.g., in Informatics, Business Information Systems, Information Management or Data Science) at a domestic or foreign higher education institution
- Fluency in spoken and written English
Additional Desired Qualifications:
- Basic knowledge and practical experience in one or more of the following areas:
Declarative Problem Solving
Knowledge Representation and Reasoning
Combinatorial Search and Optimization
Constraints and Preferences
Computational Complexity
Planning and SchedulingData Mining and Machine Learning
Algorithms and Implementation
- Good academic performance
- First scientific publication(s) (in addition to the Master’s or Diploma thesis)
- International and practical experience specific to the position
- Social and communicative competences
- Teaching experience and didactic competence
Applications with the customary documents are to be submitted until 12 December 2018
indicating reference code 709/18 to Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt, Dekanatekanzlei /
Recruiting, exclusively via the online application form at
Download : Univ.-AssistentIn_AINF
Der Beitrag Job Announcement: PreDoc Scientist (f/m) erschien zuerst auf Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt.
Source: AAU TEWI