Two master thesis in field of eMedication in progress
eMedication and ELGA are very popular in the Austrian press these days.
At the Department of Applied Informatics we have started to think about the direct benefits that could be derived for patients from their ELGA eMedication data.
In this context, Peter Schartner and Claudia Steinberger supervice two master theses focusing the following research aims (see also Fig. 1)
- MyELGA e-Medication: Development, maintenance and analysis of a patient-specific platform MyELGA e-Medication
- Alexa meets MyELGA: Utilization of myELGA e-Medication for the supplementation of ELGA data and the active support of patients via speech assistants such as Alexa.
Special attention is paid in both thesis to the data security of the developed solutions.
Students, who would also like to work in this area, are welcome.

Fig 1: eMedication : master theses overview
Der Beitrag Two master thesis in field of eMedication in progress erschien zuerst auf Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt.
Source: AAU TEWI