On June 17, Daniel Krenn and Annika Wille received their habilitation certificate

Photo: Dean Gerhard Friedrich, Andreas Vohns (Department Chair Didactics of Mathematics), Annika Wille, Daniel Krenn, Angelika Wiegele (Department Chair Mathematics), Vice Dean Clemens Heuberger
This year, two colleagues at our faculty defended successfully their habilitation thesis. Daniel Krenn, Department of Mathematics, received the venia docendi in Mathematics, and Annika Wille, Department of Didactics of Mathematics, the venia docendi for Mathematics Education. The certificate was presented by the Dean Gerhard Friedrich and the Vice Dean Clemens Heuberger.
Congratulations to our young colleagues for their excellent work and contributions to the field of Mathematics and Mathematics education!
Photo: Dean Gerhard Friedrich, Andreas Vohns (Department Chair Didactics of Mathematics), Annika Wille, Daniel Krenn, Angelika Wiegele (Department Chair Mathematics), Vice Dean Clemens Heuberger
Der Beitrag On June 17, Daniel Krenn and Annika Wille received their habilitation certificate erschien zuerst auf University of Klagenfurt.
Source: AAU TEWI