New cooperative FFG research project: AYUDO
The project AYUDO (Spanish: „I assist”) aims to support elderly or chronically ill people by digitizing their health data in order to be able to take early and regular measures to preserve or improve their health. The focus is on recording and supporting one’s own management of those factors that have a positive effect on physical and mental well-being and influence one’s own performance and resilience.
An integrated personal digital health record with health data from the medical and domestic environment currently does not exist in Austria. AYUDO would like to realize exactly this and integrate already distributed stored digital health data, such as vital data, lifestyle data, wellbeing data or also medication, intake or findings data of an elderly or chronically ill person in the longer term in his/her ‘Personal Digital Health File’. This ‘collection’ should also be continuously supplemented as barrier-free as possible through new, intelligent services for personal health management.
Interoperability and data security play an important role in the architecture of the planned technical solution. Interfaces to user’s individual digital data sources should be flexibly adaptable. It should also be possible to supplement health data that is not digitally available as barrier-free as possible via suitable user interfaces.
In addition to conventional interaction models, natural language interaction models are also to be developed. The aim is to investigate the acceptance and security of these blended solutions for the AAL sector. End users will be strongly involved in development and evaluation activities.
AYUDO aims to increase the quality of life of elderly, chronically ill or multimorbid people by improving their self-assessment of their own state of health and self-prevention. If desired, access rights to AYUDO services can also be transferred to the social environment (care and nursing). We expect new findings and results in particular in the following areas:
- use cases of a personal digital health record through new intelligent services;
- application, acceptance and security of (blended) digital language assistance for AAL solutions;
- helpful communication/visualization of health data for patients and caregivers;
- flexible integration of individually already available, distributed, inhomogeneous, non-integrated and incomplete digitalized health data;
contact: Dr. Claudia Steinberger
project start: October 2019 – September 2022
project partners: AINF/AAU (coordination), ISYS/AAU, Groiss Informatics, FH Kärnten, Klinikum Klagenfurt
Der Beitrag New cooperative FFG research project: AYUDO erschien zuerst auf University of Klagenfurt.
Source: AAU TEWI