Klagenfurt University Library changes its library system in summer 2018.
Due to this change, library services are interrupted from August to September. We kindly ask you to take this information into consideration in your work plans!
Borrowing, returning, paying fines, user accounts
Folgende Optionen werden nicht zur Verfügung stehen:
- Zugriff auf das Bibliothekskonto
- Entlehnung und Rückgabe
- Bestellungen und Vormerkungen
- Fernleihe
Library catalogue (OPAC) – search engine “surf@ubk”
- After the system change, the old library catalogue (OPAC) is no longer available.
- Research in the catalogue and in “surf@ubk” are possible during the system change, though with restrictions. The search engine of the Austrian Union Catalogue is available without restrictions.
- Existing reservations and your borrowing history cannot be entered into the new system (data protection). Please save your borrowing history and make a note of current reservations.
- After the system change in mid-September, your account is administrated via “surf@ubk” (log-in via your AAU account).
Use of e-resources & open shelves
- Access to e-resources is possible during the system change as usual via DBIS (data base information system) and EZB (electronic journal library).
- Access to and use of open shelves as well as 24/7 services are possible.
Special borrowing period in summer
- Um die Einschränkungen zu überbrücken, bieten wir eine großzügige Sonderentlehnung an: 12.07. bis 26.09.2018, 10 Medien aus den Lesesälen, 20 aus den Magazinen.
Detaillierte Informationen zu den leider notwendigen Serviceeinschränkungen finden Sie in Kürze laufend auf der Homepage der Universitätsbibliothek unter: » ub.aau.at
We thank you for your understanding.
Your Klagenfurt University Library team
Der Beitrag New library system ALMA – restricted library services, summer 2018. erschien zuerst auf Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt.
Source: AAU TEWI