Peter P. Chen Award 2018 – Call for Nominations
On behalf of the ER Institute and the ER Steering Committee, we are pleased to solicit nominations for the 2018 Peter P. Chen Award.
Initiated by Elsevier in 2008 to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the journal, Data and Knowledge Engineering, the Peter P. Chen Award honors one person each year for his or her outstanding contributions to the field of conceptual modeling. The winner will receive a plaque and a prize of $2.500 sponsored by Elsevier Publishing Company.
Criteria for the Award:
• Research: how well the nominee has helped advance the field of conceptual modeling with his/her intellectual contributions.
• Service: participation in the organization of conceptual-modeling-related meetings and conferences and participation in editorial boards of conceptual-modeling-related journals.
• Education: how effectively the nominee has mentored doctoral students in conceptual modeling, produced researchers from their labs, and also helped mentor young people in the field
• Contribution to practice: the extent to which the nominee has contributed to technology transfer, commercialization, and industrial projects.
• International reputation: the extent to which the nominee’s work is visible to and has diffused into the international community.
According to the rules, the committee of the award is composed of:
• the SC Chair: Heinrich C. Mayr, Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt, Austria
• two SC members appointed by the SC chair:
• Valeria de Antonellis, Università degli Studi di Brescia, Italy, and
• Isabelle Comyn-Wattiau, ESSEC Business School, France
• the previous two years’ recipients: Yair Wand and Oscar Pastor
The previous winners of the Peter P. Chen Award are:
2017: Yair Wand, University of British Columbia, Canada
2016: Oscar Pastor, Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, Spain
2015: Il-Yeol Song, Drexel University, USA
2014: Antonio Luz Furtado, Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
2013: Carlo Batini, Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca, Italy
2012: Stefano Spaccapietra, École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland
2011: Tok Wang Ling, National University of Singapore, Singapore
2010: John Mylopoulos, University of Toronto, Kanada
2009: David Embley, BYU, USA
2008: Bernhard Thalheim, University of Kiel, Germany
should be sent by May 28th, 2018, to the ER Steering Committee Chair Heinrich C. Mayr [] and Vice Chair Carson Woo [], who will manage the selection process. Each nomination should be accompanied by a summary statement about the nominee and a justification for the nomination. Based on the criteria for the award, the selection committee will select the best candidate among the nominees. Selection committee members and the ERSC chairmen are not eligible for the award.
The winner will be immediately announced after selection. The award winner will be invited to be a keynote speaker at ER 2018 in Xi’an, China.
Kind regards
Heinrich C. Mayr