Postdoc-Assistant (m/f), tenure track at the Faculty of Technical Sciences, Department of Smart System-Technologies, Control of Networked Systems Group – reference code 292H/18

Stellenausschreibung Wissenschaftliches Personal| Foto: kasto/

Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt announces the following open position in compliance with §107 para. 1 Universities Act 2002:

Postdoc-Assistant (m/f) (tenure track)

at the Faculty of Technical Sciences, Department of Smart System-Technologies, Control of Networked Systems Group (Univ.-Prof. Dr. Stephan Weiss). This is a full-time position (initial employment limited to 6 years) with the option of negotiating a qualification agreement (promotion to Assistant Professor). Upon  fulfilling  the  qualification  agreement,  the  position  progresses  from  Assistant  to  tenured Associate Professor. Minimum gross salary for this position is €51,955.40 per annum (§27 Uni-KV B1 lit b), €61,441.80 after promotion to Assistant Professor (§27 Uni-KV A2) and €66,619.00 after promotion to Associate Professor. Preferred starting date is September 1st, 2018.

Duties and Responsibilities:

  • Independent research and further development of the candidate’s scientific qualification to the level required for Associate Professorship,
  • Publications and active participation in international conferences,
  • Preparation of grant applications and management of research projects,
  • Graduate and undergraduate teaching, examination activities, and supervision of students,
  • Active support in shaping our young research group
  • Participation in administration, in university committees, and in public relations activities

In the Control of Networked Systems Group, we seek to push the current limits in state estimation, cooperative visual perception, and multi-modal sensor fusion for autonomous and mobile networked systems. The group publishes in international top journals and conference proceedings. Successful applicants will be encouraged and supported to publish their work in such journals and proceedings and will have the opportunity to cooperate with our world-renowned international partners from science and industry. We currently cooperate with partners mainly in the USA, Australia, Asia, and in Europe. We specifically encourage and support close and open collaboration with our peers both internationally and at the university. Our teaching areas encompass Control, Systems Theory, Control of Autonomous Systems and Vision-Based State Estimation. At doctoral student level, our group leads a recently established doctoral school in Networked Autonomous Aerial Vehicles encompassing three other research groups and two other institutes at the university. The topic of the doctoral school is a main research area of the entire university (cf.

Our young research group provides a highly dynamic, familiar, and friendly attitude and thus a collaborative and inspiring work environment with highly modern infrastructure, which is continuously updated and upgraded. Successful applicants will have the unique opportunity to actively be part of shaping this new research group while enjoying the benefit of a well-established and supportive institute and university around the group. For more information visit and

Required Qualifications:

  • PhD in the area of information and communications engineering, electrical engineering, mechanical engineering, or computer science, graded with excellent academic success at a domestic or foreign higher education institution.
  • Proven knowledge and extensive experience in at least one of the following areas: Probabilistic state estimation, vision-based navigation, multi-modal sensor fusion, autonomous (aerial) vehicle guidance and navigation.
  • Excellent track record in scientific publications in one or more of the above areas.
  • Proven programming skills in Matlab, C / C ++, or ROS.
  • Fluency in spoken and written English.

 Additional Qualifications:

  • Relevant international or practical experience.
  • Experience in teaching and student supervision.
  • Experience in research project acquisition and leadership.
  • Fluency in spoken and written German.
  • Social and communication skills, ability to work independently.

Candidates must meet the required qualifications by August 31st, 2018 at the latest.

German language skills are not a formal prerequisite, but acquirement is expected within two years. The nature of the position requires the candidate to relocate to Klagenfurt.

The university aims to increase the proportion of women in scientific positions, especially in leadership and therefore encourages qualified women to apply for the position. In case of equivalent qualification, women are accepted preferentially.

Persons with disabilities or chronic diseases who fulfill the requirements are particularly encouraged to apply.

The application must be submitted electronically in pdf format using the reference code 292H/18 via the link The application must be written in English, including a letter of motivation, the curriculum vitae (with information about the degrees including date/place/grade, the experience acquired, the thesis title, the list of publications if any and any other relevant information), copy of the degree certificates and transcripts of the courses and any certificate that can prove the fulfillment of the required qualifications (e.g. the submission of the final thesis/dissertation if required by the study program) and including details of three contact persons who can supply corresponding references. The deadline for the applications is July 18th, 2018.

General information for applicants is available on Information about research on Networked Autonomous Aerial Systems at Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt is available on Further information about the related doctoral school is provided on Additional information on the Control of Networked Systems Group is available on or by contacting Prof. Dr. Stephan Weiss, +43 463 2700 3571, Stephan.Weiss [at]

Short-listed candidates will be invited to an interview. Travel and accommodation costs incurred during the application process will not be refunded.

Translations into other languages shall serve informational purposes only. The English version alone shall be legally binding.




Der Beitrag Postdoc-Assistant (m/f), tenure track at the Faculty of Technical Sciences, Department of Smart System-Technologies, Control of Networked Systems Group – reference code 292H/18 erschien zuerst auf Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt.

Source: AAU TEWI

Senior Scientist without Doctoral Degree (f/m) at the Karl Popper Kolleg (graduate school) entitled ”Modelling – Analysis – Simulation – Optimization of Discrete, Continuous, and Stochastic Systems with Applications in Business and Economics“ – code 416H/18

Vortrag an der Universität | Foto: kasto,

Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt is establishing a Karl Popper Kolleg (graduate school) entitled ”Modelling – Analysis – Simulation – Optimization of Discrete, Continuous, and Stochastic Systems with Applications in Business and Economics“. Therefore, in compliance with § 107 para. 1 Universities Act 2002, the following open position is announced:

Senior Scientist without Doctoral Degree (f/m)

This is a 75 {c8db3f4443fb2f1c80e20e2e8420a201d47393e6b007c83f4847286f4b955a35} employment position (30 hours per week; Uni-KV: B1 – cf., limited to 36 months. The minimum gross monthly salary amounts to € 2.096,- (14 times per year) and can increase in accordance with the provisions of the collective agreement in the case of consideration of previous occupational experience. Expected starting date is 1st November 2018.

Tasks and responsibilities:

  • research and scientific qualification within the above-mentioned Karl Popper Kolleg with the goal of a PhD thesis,
  • conceptual and administrative involvement in conferences and third-party funding proposals,
  • presentation of scientific results in publications and at conferences.

Required qualifications:

  • master or diploma degree in (technical) mathematics or an economic discipline with mathematical specialization or engineering or natural sciences with focus on mathematics and economics; completed by 31st October, 2018.

Desired qualifications:

  • good knowledge in:

˗   nonlinear and combinatorial optimization,

˗   optimization and analysis of discrete structures,

˗   combinatorics and graph theory;

  • communication and presentation skills,
  • dedication to interdisciplinary problems,
  • subject-specific international experience,
  • good written and spoken English skills.

The position is aimed at the scientific training of graduates of a diploma or master program with the goal of a PhD thesis in science and engineering or in social sciences and economics. Applications from persons already holding such a degree can therefore not be taken into account.

Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt seeks to increase the ratio of women in scientific positions and therefore encourages qualified female candidates to apply. Among equally qualified applicants, women will receive preferential consideration.

People with disabilities or chronic diseases, who fulfil the requirements, are particularly encouraged to apply.

Applications should be submitted with the usual documents (application letter, CV, master/diploma thesis, certificates and supporting documents) no later than 11th July 2018 mentioning the code 416H/18 to Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt, recruitment office. Applications can only be submitted online via

General information for applicants is available on

More information on the Karl Popper Kolleg is provided by
Prof. Dr. Reinhard Neck, Tel. +43(0)463/2700-4121, Reinhard.Neck [at] or
Prof. Dr. Barbara Kaltenbacher, Tel. +43(0)463/2700-3120, Barbara.Kaltenbacher [at]

Short-listed candidates will be invited to an interview. Travel and accommodation costs incurred during the application procedure cannot be reimbursed.

Der Beitrag Senior Scientist without Doctoral Degree (f/m) at the Karl Popper Kolleg (graduate school) entitled ”Modelling – Analysis – Simulation – Optimization of Discrete, Continuous, and Stochastic Systems with Applications in Business and Economics“ – code 416H/18 erschien zuerst auf Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt.

Source: AAU TEWI

WiWi: 25 Jahre Fakultät

Die Verhandlungen waren zäh, aber es gelang: Vor 25 Jahren stimmte das Wissenschaftsministerium  dem von der Universität unter Rektor Albrecht Berger vorgelegten Plan zu, die damalige „Universität für Bildungswissenschaften“ in zwei Fakultäten zu gliedern. Wir, Informatiker und Wirtschaftswissenschaftler, hatten damit unser Ziel erreicht, eine moderne Fakultät aufbauen zu können und als Schwesterfakultät die Kulturwissenschaften zu erhalten, die man eigentlich zurückbauen wollte.

Arbeitsintensive Jahre folgten, geprägt durch den ständigen Kampf um Ressourcen, die Mitwirkung bei der Berufung vieler neuer Professuren, und die Schaffung der nötigen Infrastruktur, den Wechsel in das neue Organisationsgesetz zum 1.1.1996, die Errichtung des Südtrakts für die Fakultät usw.. Und gleichzeitig hatten wir, mit weitaus weniger Personal, kaum weniger Studierende zu betreuen als heute.

Zum 1.1.2004 kam mit dem UG 2002 der nächste große Änderungsschub: moderne Verwaltungsstrukturen, ein neues Berichtswesen und die Umstellung aller Studien auf das Bologna-System. Der gleichzeitige „technische Ausbau“ führte im Jahr 2007 zur Aufteilung in die heutigen zwei Fakultäten „Wirtschaftswissenschaften“ und Technische Wissenschaften“.

Seitdem haben sich beide Fakultäten erfreulich entwickelt. Schade nur, dass das ursprüngliche praxisorientierte Profil einer auf den Bedarf von Unternehmen zugeschnittenen betriebswirtschaftlichen Bildung etwas unschärfer geworden ist. Aber dafür gibt es ja heute entsprechende Studiengänge an der FH Kärnten. Und es gibt die M/O/T an der Universität mit ihrem ausgezeichneten wirtschaftswissenschaftlichen Weiterbildungsprogramm.

Im Nachhinein hört sich das alles ganz locker an. Tatsächlich wurde allen Beteiligten sehr viel Herzblut, Nerven und vor allem Zeit abverlangt. Denn erst gibt es Bremser, und wenn sich der Erfolg einstellt, gibt es Neider, Besserwisser und Quertreiber. Nur der Lesbarkeit halber schreibe ich das nicht gleichbehandelnd, denn hier gibt es nach meiner Erfahrung keine Gender-Unterschiede.

Aber es hat sich gelohnt: die Klagenfurter WiWi-Fakultät hat einen fixen Platz auf der wirtschaftswissenschaftlichen Landkarte, neue Studien und Forschungsrichtungen stärken die Internationalität. Möge ihre Entwicklung gedeihlich fortschreiten – immer im Bewusstsein, dass wir an der Universität unseren Studierenden das bestmögliche Rüstzeug für ihre Zukunft mitzugeben haben, vor allem, wenn sie sich für einen Berufsweg in der Praxis entscheiden.

Ein Dokument aus der Festschrift 25 Jahre Universität Klagenfurt

Master Thesis – Interactive Learning Platform for IT Security

Student: Andreas Schorn

Betreuer: Peter Schartner


Cyber security training is about training IT security experts and end users in the field of information security. Traditional teaching and learning methods, such as lectures and literature research, however, have been proven inadequate in the field of cyber security. Implementing basic security concepts in real-world environments is difficult for many people as they usually lack knowledge about the specific procedures. With the help of interactive exercises, an attempt is made in a practical way to implement these basic concepts in a realistic environment, and therefore facilitate better understanding of information security.

In this thesis an overview of different variants of cyber security training and cyber security exercises is given. Structure as well as implementation of such exercises, consisting of a secure exercise environment and hacking instructions, is explained in detail. The thesis contains approaches on how cyber security trainings can be implemented in higher education organisations and describes the development and evaluation of a cyber security training platform ( for lectures at the Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt.







Der Beitrag Master Thesis – Interactive Learning Platform for IT Security erschien zuerst auf Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt.

Source: AAU TEWI

Guest lecture by Dr. Anouschka Foltz “Using prosody to predict upcoming referents: the role of recent exposure in the L1 and the L2”

Neuer Haupteingang der AAU | Foto: aau/Daniel Waschnig

Listeners make predictions about upcoming sentence material during language processing. Monolingual English and monolingual German listeners can use contrastive pitch accents to predict upcoming referents (e.g. Ito & Speer, 2008; Weber, Braun, & Crocker, 2006). For example, when hearing Click on the blue book. Click on the RED… (where CAPS indicate a contrastive pitch accent), adults predict that the noun book will be repeated. This leads to facilitative processing if book is actually repeated and to a prosodic garden-path effect if another noun follows red. In contrast, adults are reliably less likely to make the same prediction when hearing Click on the blue book. Click on the red… (without a L+H* accent), suggesting that the prediction is driven by the prosody.

In this talk, I will present results from an eyetracking study that extends these previous findings from monolinguals to German-English bilinguals and that explores the role of recent exposure for predictive processing. The results suggest that bilinguals use the same prosodic cue differently in their L1 and their L2. Specifically, the bilinguals in the study show the same patterns of results in their L1 than monolingual native speakers: they engage in predictive processing in their L1 and this predictive processing is modulated by whether or not the speaker has previously used the prosodic cues consistently. In contrast, bilinguals do not initially engage in predictive processing in the L2 and are less sensitive to whether or not the speaker uses the prosodic cues consistently. I argue that the results are most compatible with a resource-deficit account of second language processing.



Dr. Anouschka Foltz received a Magister Degree from the University of Mannheim in 2003. Her Magister thesis, supervised by Prof. Rosemarie Tracy, was an empirical study comparing native (American) and non-native (German) speakers’ argumentative discourse in English. In 2000/2001, she had the opportunity to study abroad at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and gain her first teaching experience at the Department of Germanic Languages and Literatures.

In 2010, Dr. Foltz received both an M.A. and a Ph.D. in Linguistics from The Ohio State University. Her Ph.D. dissertation, entitled “The Effect of Pitch Accents and Boundary Tones on the Interpretation of L+H* Accents”, was supervised by Prof. Shari Speer. During her time at The Ohio State University, she mostly worked on sentence processing and the production and comprehension of prosody in adults. She also taught numerous undergraduate classes. After completing her Ph.D., Dr. Foltz spent four years working as a postdoctoral researcher in the Collaborative Research Centre 673 “Alignment in Communication” at Bielefeld University. During this time, she worked with the principle investigators Prof. Prisca Stenneken, Prof. Philipp Cimiano, and PD Dr. Katharina Rohlfing. Most of this work focused on syntactic and lexical alignment phenomena in both children and adults. She has been the Lecturer in Psycholinguistics at Bangor University since 2014.


Date and place:

June 27, 2018

E.1.05, 14-15:30


Der Beitrag Guest lecture by Dr. Anouschka Foltz “Using prosody to predict upcoming referents: the role of recent exposure in the L1 and the L2” erschien zuerst auf Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt.

Source: AAU TEWI

Andrea Tonelleo was honored with the Aerospace Best Paper Award

Andreas Tonello

Stochastic Trajectory Generation Using Particle Swarm Optimization for Quadrotor Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) has been selected as the best research article published in 2017 in the MDPI Aerospace journal. The paper is co-authored by Babak Salamat and Andrea Tonello. It provides a realistic stochastic trajectory generation method for unmanned aerial vehicles. It offers a tool for the emulation of trajectories in typical flight scenarios, for instance, flight level, takeoff-mission-landing, and collision avoidance with complex maneuvering. The trajectories for these scenarios are implemented with quintic B-splines, which grants smoothness in the second-order derivatives of the Euler angles and accelerations. In order to tune the parameters of the quintic B-spline in the search space, a multi-objective optimization method called particle swarm optimization (PSO) is used. The proposed technique satisfies the constraints imposed by the configuration of the UAV. Further constraints can be introduced such as: obstacle avoidance, speed limitation, and actuator torque limitations due to the practical feasibility of the trajectories.

In the domain of aerial robotics, there is a large body of literature on path planning  and flight control. However, to assess performance, for instance of navigation algorithms, the trajectories followed by the moving aerial vehicle must be generated with a statistically representative emulator. In this paper, we have provided a new seminal idea on how to do so, and we believe that the results can open the door to a novel methodology to develop stochastic trajectory generator – prof. Tonello says.

Publications: Babak Salamat and Andrea M. Tonello. Stochastic trajectory generation using particle swarm optimization for quadrotor unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs).  Aerospace 2017, 4(2), 27. Aerospace best paper awards 2017 – Editorial. Aerospace 2018, 5(2), 61.

Der Beitrag Andrea Tonelleo was honored with the Aerospace Best Paper Award erschien zuerst auf Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt.

Source: AAU TEWI

New library system ALMA – restricted library services, summer 2018.

Bibliothek - Under Construction Symbol | Grafik: Andrea Bem (UB)

Klagenfurt University Library changes its library system in summer 2018.
Due to this change, library services are interrupted from August to September. We kindly ask you to take this information into consideration in your work plans!


Borrowing, returning, paying fines, user accounts

Folgende Optionen werden nicht zur Verfügung stehen:

  • Zugriff auf das Bibliothekskonto
  • Entlehnung und Rückgabe
  • Bestellungen und Vormerkungen
  • Fernleihe

Library catalogue (OPAC) – search engine “surf@ubk”

  • After the system change, the old library catalogue (OPAC) is no longer available.
  • Research in the catalogue and in “surf@ubk” are possible during the system change, though with restrictions. The search engine of the Austrian Union Catalogue is available without restrictions.
  • Existing reservations and your borrowing history cannot be entered into the new system (data protection). Please save your borrowing history and make a note of current reservations.
  • After the system change in mid-September, your account is administrated via “surf@ubk” (log-in via your AAU account).

Use of e-resources & open shelves 

  • Access to e-resources is possible during the system change as usual via DBIS (data base information system) and EZB (electronic journal library).
  • Access to and use of open shelves as well as 24/7 services are possible.

Special borrowing period in summer

  • Um die Einschränkungen zu überbrücken, bieten wir eine großzügige Sonderentlehnung an: 12.07. bis 26.09.2018, 10 Medien aus den Lesesälen, 20 aus den Magazinen.

Detaillierte Informationen zu den leider notwendigen Serviceeinschränkungen finden Sie in Kürze laufend auf der Homepage der Universitätsbibliothek unter: »

We thank you for your understanding.
Your Klagenfurt University Library team


Der Beitrag New library system ALMA – restricted library services, summer 2018. erschien zuerst auf Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt.

Source: AAU TEWI

Current exhibition near circulation desk: “Prof. Peter Burke (Cambridge)”

Icon Ausstellungen | Grafik: Andrea Bem (UB)

On the occasion of Peter Burke’s (Professor of Cultural History, University of Cambridge) guest lecture: “Early Modern: when, where, why?” on June 19th, 2018, the show case opposite the loan desk presents a selection of his works.


Der Beitrag Current exhibition near circulation desk: “Prof. Peter Burke (Cambridge)” erschien zuerst auf Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt.

Source: AAU TEWI

“It turned out well.”

Denise Voci | Foto: aau/Müller

Paths are formed by being trodden. Denise Voci, having completed secondary school in the border town of Tarvisio, once dreamt of a life as a musician, before her path took her to Klagenfurt, where she studied Media and Communications Science. Today she works as a Predoc Scientist and is writing her doctoral thesis as part of an international project that explores cross-border media management.

Why should a media corporation choose to sell its products, be they magazines or TV shows, in another country? When is such an endeavour crowned with (economic) success? Which framework conditions are relevant for the big players on the media market when it comes to cross-border management? Which strategies are useful and promise success? These are the questions Denise Voci addresses in the international project “The management and economics of cross-border media communication – a study of the transnational relations between market structures and media management”. The project is headed by Matthias Karmasin (Department of Media and Communications Science, Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften) and it started with Universität Eichstätt, Universität Zürich and Universität Mainz.

At a first glance, the young woman, who comes to the interview wearing a T-shirt emblazoned with a quote from the Rolling Stones, does not present an obvious match with the specific field of management strategies and media economics. This impression is soon revised, however, as she enthuses about the major aims of her work: “I study the media systems jointly with their respective media-economic facets and eventually hope to develop a model that can depict the various systems in clusters. At the macro level this should allow us to ascertain whether we can truly speak of a world media system.” While the topic of her doctoral thesis lies in the specialised field of media economy, her particular passion is devoted to the ethical restrictions that are, in many cases, self-imposed by the media corporations. To illustrate this point she recounts an interview with the publishing house Axel Springer, during which she was told that the Code of Conduct provided for an affinity for the Jewish people. Consequently, the publisher, one of the biggest in Europe, could only collaborate with countries who recognize the State of Israel as such. As a general rule, however, the challenges media companies face tend to be of the economic kind: For instance, the advertising revenues in India are significantly lower than those yielded by the Central European markets. Meanwhile, in other countries such as China there are restrictions in place in terms of media policy, requiring alternative strategies for cross-border business transactions in the media sphere.

Denise Voci’s journey to where she is today was taken one step at a time, and along the way she crossed more than one type of boundary. Growing up in the border town of Tarvisio as the child of an Italian father and a Carinthian mother, her first passion was music. She spent the year after finishing school living entirely for and from music. With a recording contract in the bag, she dreamed of a career as a singer. In the end, the strain of frequent appearances and her parents’ wish that she might add a second, less artistically precarious string to her bow, meant that she came to Klagenfurt in 2009, at a time when the degree programme in Applied Musicology was still being taught here. However, after a few months she realised: “The degree programme did not provide me with the level of imagination and inspiration I was looking for; I decided to focus on Media and Communications Science instead. I had already co-registered for that course of studies, as I had half an eye on the field of music management as a potential occupational field.” Later, when her Master’s degree offered her the opportunity to work with Franzisca Weder on a project centred on sustainability communication, she “caught the science bug”, as she calls it. From that moment onwards, she knew with absolute certainty: If she saw a chance to remain in research, she would take it. The position as Predoc Scientist and joining the project team, which also provides opportunities for international exchange, followed next. Time and again, Denise Voci’s responses during the interview start with the words: “Back then, I would never have imagined …” Media economics was not part of her Plan A, nor was the world of science. Clearly, it is worthwhile to take a closer look at Plan B or Plan C, which may offer far more than can be discerned at first. “It turned out well”, for Denise Voci.


A few words with … Denise Voci

What would you be doing now, if you had not become a scientist?

I would have stayed in the music industry.

Do your parents understand what it is you are working on?

Only partly, but this interview might help.

What is the first thing you do when you arrive at the office in the morning?

I greet my lovely colleague, who always manages to get to the office before me.

Do you have proper holidays? Without thinking about your work?

According to my holiday companions: NO!

What makes you furious?

Injustice (and badly cooked pasta J ).

What calms you down?

Great music.

Who do you regard as the greatest scientist in history, and why?

Anyone who thinks “outside the box”.

What are you afraid of?

Horror films.

What are you looking forward to?

New challenges.

Der Beitrag “It turned out well.” erschien zuerst auf Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt.

Source: AAU TEWI

Universitätsassistentin / Universitätsassistent an der Abteilung für Personal, Führung und Organisation – Kennung 399H/18

Stellenausschreibung Wissenschaftliches Personal| Foto: kasto/

Die Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt schreibt gem. § 107 Abs. 1 Universitätsgesetz 2002 folgende Stelle zur Besetzung aus:

Universitätsassistentin / Universitätsassistent

an der Abteilung für Personal, Führung und Organisation des Instituts für Organisation, Personal und Dienstleistungsmanagement, Fakultät für Wirtschaftswissenschaften, im Beschäftigungsausmaß von 100 {c8db3f4443fb2f1c80e20e2e8420a201d47393e6b007c83f4847286f4b955a35} (Uni-KV: B1). Das monatliche Mindestentgelt für diese Tätigkeit beträgt € 2.794,60 brutto (14 × jährlich) und kann sich auf der Basis der kollektivvertraglichen Vorschriften durch die Anrechnung tätigkeitsspezifischer Vorerfahrungen erhöhen. Voraussichtlicher Beginn des auf 4 Jahre befristeten Dienstverhältnisses ist der 2. November 2018.

Der Aufgabenbereich umfasst:

Mitwirkung an der Erfüllung der Aufgaben der Abteilung in Lehre und Forschung. Hierzu zählen:

  • Forschung im Bereich Personal, Führung und Organisation,
  • Wissenschaftliches Arbeiten mit dem Ziel der Erstellung einer Dissertation,
  • Durchführung von Lehrveranstaltungen im Bereich Personal, Führung und Organisation,
  • Mitarbeit an wissenschaftlichen Forschungsprojekten der Abteilung und Publikationstätigkeit,
  • Prüfungstätigkeit (Mitwirkung und Abhaltung)
  • Betreuung von Studierenden
  • Mitwirkung an Organisations- und Verwaltungsaufgaben und an Maßnahmen der Qualitätssicherung

 Voraussetzung für die Einstellung:

  • Abgeschlossenes Master- oder Diplomstudium der (Angewandten) Betriebswirtschaftslehre mit dem Schwerpunkt Personal (und Organisation), oder der Psychologie an einer in- oder ausländischen Universität mit mindestens gutem Erfolg
  • Fundierte Kenntnisse der Methodenlehre (insb. quantitative Methoden), Statistik (insb. multivariate Verfahren) und statistischer Softwareprogramme (bspw. R)
  • Gute Sprachkenntnisse in Deutsch und Englisch

Der Nachweis für die Erfüllung aller Voraussetzungen für die Einstellung muss bis
spätestens 30. September 2018

 Erwünscht sind:

  • Schwerpunkte in einem oder mehreren der folgenden Bereiche: Personalmanagement; Organizational Behavior; Arbeits-, Organisations- und Wirtschaftspsychologie; Methodenlehre/Statistik
  • Starke Bereitschaft zur Erweiterung der Kenntnisse von Forschungsmethoden
  • Bereitschaft zur engagierten Mitarbeit in Forschung, Lehre und Administration
  • Didaktische Fähigkeiten
  • EDV-Kenntnisse (Office, Statistische Datenanalyse, Onlinebefragungen)
  • Teamfähigkeit
  • Grunderfahrungen im universitären Lehr- und Forschungsbetrieb


Diese Stelle dient der fachlichen und wissenschaftlichen Bildung von AbsolventInnen eines Master- bzw. Diplomstudiums mit dem Ziel des Abschlusses eines Doktorats-/Ph.D.-Studiums der Sozial- und Wirtschaftswissenschaften. Bewerbungen von Personen, die bereits über ein facheinschlägiges Doktorat bzw. einen facheinschlägigen Ph.D. verfügen, können daher nicht berücksichtigt werden.

Die Universität strebt eine Erhöhung des Frauenanteils beim wissenschaftlichen Personal an und fordert daher qualifizierte Frauen ausdrücklich zur Bewerbung auf. Frauen werden bei gleicher Qualifikation vorrangig aufgenommen.

Menschen mit Behinderungen oder chronischen Erkrankungen, die die geforderten Qualifikationskriterien erfüllen, werden ausdrücklich zur Bewerbung aufgefordert.

Allgemeine Informationen finden BewerberInnen unter

Bewerbungen sind mit den üblichen Unterlagen bis 15. August 2018 unter der Kennung 399H/18 an die Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt, Dekanatekanzlei / Recruiting, ausschließlich über das Online-Bewerbungsformular unter zu richten.

Es besteht kein Anspruch auf Abgeltung von Reise- und Aufenthaltskosten, die aus Anlass des Aufnahmeverfahrens entstehen.

Der Beitrag Universitätsassistentin / Universitätsassistent an der Abteilung für Personal, Führung und Organisation – Kennung 399H/18 erschien zuerst auf Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt.

Source: AAU TEWI