
Electrical installations in the reading rooms (noise on May 27/28 and June 05/06)

Dear Klagenfurt University Library users,
Dear Klagenfurt University students,

In the coming weeks, the reading rooms in the central building will also be fitted with emergency lighting. This requires electrical installations, and we are hereby informing you of when and where to expect noise:


Periodicals reading room (level 2):
Monday, May 27
Tuesday, May 28

Reading room (level 3):
Wednesday, June 05
Thursday, June 06


Reading rooms and shelves are accessible as usual.
All the same, we recommend to use other rooms.

We hope that these restrictions don’t interfere with your work and that the noise level will remain at a minimum.
We also hope for your understanding!

Kind regards,
Your Klagenfurt University Library team

Der Beitrag Electrical installations in the reading rooms (noise on May 27/28 and June 05/06) erschien zuerst auf University of Klagenfurt.

Source: AAU TEWI

Finding the water bottle, but missing the small weapon: Research on the role of the working memory during hand luggage checks at the airport

Visual search allows humans to identify certain objects: For example, a doctor can recognise dangerous anomalies in x-ray images, or airport security staff can use x-ray technology to identify items inside our hand luggage. At the Department of Psychology, Anna Conci, recipient of an ÖAW-DOC scholarship, is studying the influence of the working memory on the search performance.

Professional “visual searchers”, including security staff, who scan hand luggage for dangerous items, receive appropriate training. Nonetheless, research has revealed a critical weak point, which also affects these experts: When there are two items to be found, it is often the case that only one is detected. This is a serious problem, for instance when a water bottle is noticed, but a weapon is missed. Psychological studies have repeatedly provided evidence of this phenomenon.

Especially in those instances, where the number of objects to be found is unknown, this effect plays a decisive part. “Science has yet to reach a shared understanding of why this phenomenon exists and which underlying cognitive mechanisms are responsible”, Anna Conci, doctoral student at the Department of Psychology, tells us. In her current research, she is investigating the effects of the working memory on the visual search performance. She hypothesizes: During the course of visual search, optimal speed and precision are impeded by “objects” held in the working memory. Moreover, she also hopes to establish the extent to which the objects in the working memory improve or impair the search performance in comparison to objects that bear no similarity whatsoever.

For the purpose of her work, Anna Conci has conducted extensive experiments  with students – both in Klagenfurt and at the Fernuniversität Hagen, the distance learning university where she previously worked. The heterogeneity of the student population in Hagen allowed her to put together a meaningful group. One of the tools she used was an eye tracker, which recorded the eye movements that occurred during the search. The resulting data permit conclusions to be drawn on the cognitive processes involved in the visual search. To ensure verisimilitude in her studies, she used genuine images taken during real airport security checks. Her next task is to analyse these data and subsequently to bring together the results in the form of journal articles.

We asked Anna Conci to tell us whether it is possible to have a talent for “visual searching”, or whether one can improve over time. Drawing on the investigations she has already completed she tells us: “In Hagen, students tested themselves over a period of 20 days. The results show daily improvement. Even after a gap of nine days, we found that it is possible to pick up at virtually the same level of search performance, and then continue to improve.”

Anna Conci came to Klagenfurt from South Tyrol to pursue her doctoral degree. It was mostly a coincidence that she has ended up in the field of science: “When I finished my Master’s degree, Merim Bilalić, who supervises my doctoral thesis, offered me a position on a project team. That eventually led to the research job at the Fernuniversität Hagen.” She gains huge enjoyment from her scientific work: “ It is a creative activity, we are constantly challenged to think in terms of finding solutions, and new questions arise again and again.” In the past, her career has always aligned well with her plans. In recent years, she has focused heavily on writing research proposals, with the aim of securing a stable financial foundation for her work. Ultimately, this produced the intended result: As a scholarship recipient of the Austrian Academy of Sciences (DOC), she is affiliated with the Department of Psychology, and is free to devote her time exclusively to her research over the next two years.

A few words with … Anna Conci

What would you be doing now, if you had not become a scientist?
I’ve never really given that any thought. I would probably have trained to be a neuropsychologist.

Do your parents understand what it is you are working on?
I believe they do have a rough idea of the subject. I’m less sure whether they understand why and how I do my work.

What is the first thing you do when you arrive at the office in the morning?
I respond to e-mails.

Do you have proper holidays? Without thinking about your work?
That very much depends on what stage my work is currently at.

What makes you furious?

What calms you down?
Spending time with my family in South Tyrol

Who do you regard as the greatest scientist in history, and why?
There have been many highly impressive people in the past. Marie Curie is certainly an excellent example. Despite difficult circumstances, she achieved the truly remarkable.

What are you afraid of?
I am afraid of losing people who are important to me.

What are you looking forward to?
The many things, be they small or large, that life is holding in store for me.

Der Beitrag Finding the water bottle, but missing the small weapon: Research on the role of the working memory during hand luggage checks at the airport erschien zuerst auf University of Klagenfurt.

Source: AAU TEWI

More cyber security for intelligent cameras

Subhan Ullah | Foto: aau/Müller

To simplify our daily routines, devices designed for the “Internet of Things (IoT)” are usually equipped with cameras that can record images and videos, and transmit these to other devices. Subhan Ullah’s research focuses on increasing the security of these systems, which often have limited processing capacities. He has recently completed his doctoral thesis.

A scientific career demands great dedication and the willingness to demonstrate total commitment. Subhan Ullah, a graduate of the doctoral programme “Interactive and Cognitive Environments” (ICE), has provided impressive proof of both over the past few years. Upon completion of his Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science at his home university, the University of Malakand, he attended the International Islamic University in Islamabad, where he completed his Master’s degree. As the recipient of a European Union scholarship, he spent one year at Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences, Germany. Next, Subhan Ullah applied for a place on the ICE doctoral programme, which was funded by the European Erasmus Mundus programme. A large part of his doctoral studies was spent conducting research in Klagenfurt, with one year at the University of Genoa in Italy. At the end of April he successfully concluded his doctoral degree with a viva examination.

Subhan Ullah’s research focus places him firmly on the pulse of time. After all, his work concentrates on improving the security of camera applications related to the “Internet of Things (IoT)”. For instance, if an elderly person has a technical support system in order to be able to continue to reside in a smart home for longer, numerous cameras are required. These transmit specifically selected information to monitoring terminal devices, for example they record when someone falls and does not stand up again. The problem is this: These smart devices have limited processing capacities, and this poses a big challenge as far as the encryption technologies are concerned. As Subhan Ullah explains, in terms of cyber security, camera systems must reliably safeguard four factors: confidentiality, which means that the data must be accessible to authorised persons only; authentication, which means that the data must actually come from a specific camera; integrity, which means that nobody should be able to interpose themselves between the camera and monitoring device, and finally, freshness, which means that the images must truly be recent. For his doctoral thesis, Subhan Ullah modified existing applications and harnessed their usefulness for the particular needs of multi-camera networks. The challenge he faced was this: In a system where several cameras transmit data, this information needs to be aggregated at a certain point, and then forwarded to a terminal device. These systems have a significantly greater number of node points, opening up additional security holes, which need to be closed.

Cyber security, especially the light-weight kind of security technology required for resource-restricted smart devices in IoT applications, represents Subhan Ullah’s central scientific concern. He now hopes to advance his expertise in the academic world; one option would be a research-related job in industry. He tells us about one of his hopes at the very end of the interview: A family man with five children living in Pakistan, Subhan Ullah finally wants to live together with his family, especially while the children are growing up. For now, the place where the family will be reunited has not yet been determined:  Always keen to travel, the researcher is currently applying for opportunities around the world from his base in Klagenfurt. In the meantime, Subhan Ullah, who is a passionate cyclist, intends to make a few more bike trips around Lake Wörthersee.

A few words with … Subhan Ullah

What would you be doing now, if you had not become a scientist?
If I had not become a scientist, I would have chosen a career as “child rights activist” that includes activities for the rights relating to basic needs like food, education, shelter, psychological and health care, especially for orphans, poor and neglected children.

Do your parents understand what it is you are working on?
My parents only have a general idea that I am studying computer science.

What is the first thing you do when you arrive at the office in the morning?
On my arrival at the office in the morning, first I plan a to-do list for the day and then I check my emails.

Do you have proper holidays? Without thinking about your work?
Yes, I believe that taking proper holidays reduces stress and improves concentration. During my Ph.D. studies, I have managed to spend a one-month holiday each year to spend with my family.

What makes you furious?
The rude and selfish behaviour of some people makes me furious.

What calms you down?
Having fun and playing with kids to motivate them for learning activities makes me calm down.

Who do you regard as the greatest scientist in history, and why?
There have been so many great scientists in the history of computer science, but I personally hold “Ralph Merkle”, who is a computer scientist and well known for his pioneering work in the field of cryptography, in high regard. In 1974, Merkle first proposed the public key cryptography. This idea was the basis of the Diffie-Hellman key exchange proposed by Whitfield Diffie and Martin Hellman in 1976. The public key cryptography allows the easy encryption of data using public keys while ensuring that only the intended receiver is able to decipher the information.

What embarrasses you?
The hypocrisy of a person embarrasses me.

What are you afraid of?
I am afraid of the injustice within a society.

What are you looking forward to?
I am looking forward to more opportunities of learning with a peaceful and happy life.

Studying technology at the University of Klagenfurt

Research and teaching excellence is what sets Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt’s technology programmes apart. Established in 2007, the Faculty of Technical Sciences prides itself on its exceptional student-supervisor relationships, which facilitate continuous, profitable exchange between tutors and students at all levels. Our technology programmes, which have a large practical component and focus on our key strengths (e.g. Informatics, Information Technology and Technical Mathematics), open up a world of opportunities for our students. And if you decide to take a Joint or Double Degree, you can also gain new experience overseas by taking a semester abroad or attending a summer school. More

Der Beitrag More cyber security for intelligent cameras erschien zuerst auf University of Klagenfurt.

Source: AAU TEWI

Reduced opening hours around May 1, 2019 (National Holiday)

  • Mon, Apr 30: 08:30 – 16:00 
  • Tue, May 1, National Holiday, the library will be CLOSED!


University members have unrestricted access to the library‘s reading rooms.

Registration for the 24-hour library is possible via the campus system under “My settings” >> 24-hour library.
Please register at least one day before you plan to use this service for the first time. Accounts are activated every day at


Der Beitrag Reduced opening hours around May 1, 2019 (National Holiday) erschien zuerst auf University of Klagenfurt.

Source: AAU TEWI

Health consumption on the Internet and consulting Doctor Google

Isabell Koinig | Foto: aau/Müller

Mediatisation has fundamentally transformed our interactions with medical professionals, our attitude to our own health, and our communication about health-related topics. In her research, Isabell Koinig deals with health communication. She addressed some of the phenomena which research has only taken up selectively, and whether she turns to Google herself when she feels a bit under the weather.

Those who manufacture and sell pharmaceutical products do not get to make a bargain with Isabell Koinig. The postdoc researcher at the Department of Media and Communication Studies relies on household remedies, handed down to her by her mother and grandmother. It is her belief, in general, that health is partly a matter of “mind-set” and that it has a mental component. As she says: “If I assume that I am resilient and that I can manage situations that present a challenge to my health, then I can draw on completely different strengths.” She also refrains from “googling” symptoms that might affect her.

This means that, as an individual, she is bucking the general trend, as her research in the field of health communications has revealed. Patients are increasingly turning into “health consumers”, and this also includes the conceptual aspect, as she explains. The term “health consumer” represents a new self-awareness: While physicians are still valued in terms of their professional authority, more and more individuals are taking their health matters into their own hands. This includes gathering information, frequently via the Internet: As a result, Koinig tells us, “health” is the sixth most frequent search term on the World Wide Web. This requires a change of thinking on part of physicians, who are turning to communication training more and more often, but also among the pharmaceutical companies aiming to sell their products. They use their advertisements to encourage “empowered” health consumers to buy this or that product.

Isabell Koinig recently spent a month as a visiting researcher at the Center for Health Communication at the University of Amsterdam, where she was introduced to other scientific approaches of exploring health communication. Describing her experiences, she reports: “While researchers in the German-speaking area tend to focus on studying how messages are received, scholars in Amsterdam go one step further and additionally ask: Which long-term behavioural changes do measures in the sphere of health communication produce? This approach has a more pronounced social science orientation.” She would like to use this approach in her upcoming research endeavours. Generally, she feels that many questions in this field remain unanswered. The design of her cumulative habilitation project is broad enough so that is able to explore the subject from several different angles.

For now, Isabell Koinig is fully committed to science, and she enjoys the time working in the university setting. Her path to date has been mostly linear: After completing her degrees in English and American Studies and Journalism in Klagenfurt – during her studies she spent several years working in the field of adult education – she was quickly able to secure a position in a project team, which led to a position as pre- and finally as postdoc researcher. She especially enjoys teaching: “It allows me the freedom to include topics that are of particular interest to me. With increasing age, I have a better grasp of the things that tend to elicit good feedback from students. Where health is concerned, and this also covers diet and fitness, we are right at the cutting edge.” Digitalisation, in particular, introduces new opportunities and challenges for health communication. mHealth, the use of mobile, electronic devices for health care purposes, is on the fast track; offers of this kind are booming and generating billions of dollars in turnover. “For me, as a scientist, it would be devastating if I knew that my research topic was limited”, Isabell Koinig states. It seems highly unlikely that she will have to face this risk in the thriving field of health communication.

A few words with … Isabell Koinig

What would you be doing now, if you had not become a scientist?

My list of dream jobs was very long – possibly a flight attendant.

Do your parents understand what it is you are working on?

More or less …

What is the first thing you do when you arrive at the office in the morning?

I make tea and check my calendar.

Do you have proper holidays? Without thinking about your work?

Not really … I should though …

What makes you furious?

Injustice and ignorance.

What calms you down?

It depends: music, sports, a good book … sometimes chocolate works.

Who do you regard as the greatest scientist in history, and why?

Stephen Hawking – because he did not allow himself to be discouraged, despite the limitations imposed by his body. And because he made a lasting impact on the field of physics.

What embarrasses you?

Poor manners and hubris (that feeling when you are embarrassed about the behaviour of others).

What are you afraid of?


What are you looking forward to?

Good company and delicious food.

Der Beitrag Health consumption on the Internet and consulting Doctor Google erschien zuerst auf University of Klagenfurt.

Source: AAU TEWI

Degree ceremony for graduates of the University of Klagenfurt, 17th May 2019

AbsolventInnen werfen Rollen in die Luft | Foto: aau/

On Friday, 17 May 2019, the degree ceremony for graduates of the University of Klagenfurt takes place in the Hans-Romauch-Lecture Hall (Lecture Hall A).

Degree ceremony Time Information
Faculty of Management and Economics and
Faculty of Technical Sciences
09:15 a.m. Invitation
Faculty of Humanities and
Faculty of Interdisciplinary Studies (IFF)
12:15 p.m. Invitation

Due to the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) that came in force on the 25th May 2018, the names of our graduates will not be published.

Der Beitrag Degree ceremony for graduates of the University of Klagenfurt, 17th May 2019 erschien zuerst auf University of Klagenfurt.

Source: AAU TEWI

Texte für das Internet schreiben

Sanat Seidekhanov ist derzeit für drei Monate als Gastforscher am hiesigen Institut für Slawistik. Der aus Kasachstan stammende Linguist befasst sich mit Texten im Internet. Ursula Doleschal, Leiterin des Instituts, wird ihn in methodischen Fragen unterstützen.

Sanat Seidekhanov ist Doktorand an der „Kazah National University called after al Farabi“ in Almaty, der früheren Hauptstadt des flächenmäßig neuntgrößten Staates der Erde. Dieses Sommersemester wird er in Klagenfurt am Institut für Slawistik verbringen, um entscheidende Fortschritte bei seiner PhD-Arbeit zu machen, wie er uns berichtet. Seidekhanovs Forschungsschwerpunkte sind Copywriting und Re-Writing. Die beiden Begriffe meinen sowohl Werbetexte für Anzeigen als auch Artikel für Webseiten aller Art. Seidekhanov konzentriert sich dabei auf die so genannten Multimedia-Longread-Formate, also Reportagen, die online veröffentlicht werden, ein Thema tiefergehend von vielen Perspektiven beleuchten und diverse multimediale Zusatzformate neben dem Text anbieten. So sind beispielsweise Audiodateien, aber auch eingebundene Youtube-Videos üblich. Für Sanat Seidekhanov bietet dieses Format vielfältige Möglichkeiten für Marketing-Zwecke, aber auch für klassische Massenmedien. Seidekhanov, der an seiner Heimatuniversität an der Abteilung für Linguistik und Europäische Sprachen arbeitet, nimmt linguistische Merkmale dieses Formats unter die Lupe.

Für den Sprachwissenschaftler sind die Möglichkeiten des World Wide Web verantwortlich für neue Erzählstile und linguistische Formate, die er gerne näher beleuchten möchte. „Das Zusammenspiel verschiedener Instrumente – Bild, Text, Video, Ton – hat die Art, Botschaften zu transportieren, entscheidend verändert.“ Am hiesigen Institut für Slawistik wird Ursula Doleschal ihre linguistische Perspektive einbringen, um Sanat Seidekhanov bei seiner Dissertation zu unterstützen.

Vor seiner wissenschaftlichen Tätigkeit war Seidekhanov Chefredakteur des Magazins Men’s Health in Kasachstan sowie Copywriter in Werbeagenturen. In dem Bereich ist er noch heute selbstständig tätig. Seidekhanov ist Vollzeit-PhD-Student und genießt die Arbeit in der akademischen Welt: „Wissen zu schaffen und zur Verfügung zu stellen, ist überaus lohnend.“ In Zukunft möchte er in der akademischen Lehre tätig sein.



Der Beitrag Texte für das Internet schreiben erschien zuerst auf University of Klagenfurt.

Source: AAU TEWI

Visiting fellow

Johan Munck af Rosenschöld is a Postdoctoral Researcher at the University of Helsinki and will be a Visiting Fellow at the Department of Science Communication and Higher Education Research at the Faculty of Interdisciplinary Studies (IFF) between April and July 2019. Johan holds a doctoral degree in environmental policy from the Faculty of Social Science at the University of Helsinki. During his doctoral studies, Johan was a Fulbright Visiting Fellow at Cornell University, USA for 12 months. His doctoral thesis was concerned with the increasing reliance on project organizations in environmental policy and governance, also called “projectification”, and its implications for achieving long-term outcomes in the context of sustainability.

Johan in currently involved in a research project funded by the Academy of Finland, “Interdisciplining the university – Prospects for sustainable knowledge production”, that empirically studies the implications of organizational reorganization to promote interdisciplinarity in a Finnish university. During his visit to AAU, he will work with Prof. Martina Merz, who is also a collaborator in the research project. They will work on three joint papers written together with research project colleagues at TINT covering the following topics: 1) institutional work in fostering interdisciplinarity and mediating organizational innovations in universities, 2) tensions arising at the micro level as a result of top-down steering toward interdisciplinarity, and 3) epistemic sustainability and risks related to the demand-driven inter- and transdisciplinarity. The papers will be presented in the following conferences this summer: European Group for Organizational Studies Colloquium, Nordic Science and Technology Studies Conference, and European Sociological Association Conference.

Johan will give a seminar presentation at the Klagenfurt campus later this spring. More info to follow.

Der Beitrag Visiting fellow erschien zuerst auf University of Klagenfurt.

Source: AAU TEWI

Media and Convergence Management: Ideally qualified for professional challenges!

Studierende in der Aula der AAU | Foto:

Isabell Koinig is the programme director of the Master’s degree in Media and Convergence Management. Her research interests are broad and cover a spectrum that includes the science of advertising and market research, media economics, and international management. She spoke to us about interface management, nomophobia, and her personal approach to media studies.

How did you become a media and communication scientist?
The simple answer to this question would be: I have always enjoyed reading and writing. A more precise answer would be: I deliberately chose a field of study that develops quickly and does not stand still. I am curious and always look for new challenges, so the degree in Media and Communication Studies (in combination with English and American Studies) was the ideal choice for me.

What significance do you attach to media in today’s workplace?
Media determine our everyday lives – they facilitate many processes, but at the same time they bring about new challenges and, in the worst cases, lead to dependencies. In recent years, both media reception and human consumption have changed dramatically. News is increasingly being received online or even via social media, and purchases are increasingly made online. Google is the first source for search queries. This shift and dependency also becomes apparent when looking at the word of the year 2018, which the Oxford English Dictionary determined following an online survey: nomophobia. This refers to the fear of being separated from one’s mobile phone and thus being inaccessible to social and business contacts.

What exactly does convergence management mean?
Convergence describes the merging of previously separate areas that have increasingly become inseparable. This applies above all to industries, products, companies, media and technologies. The concept of convergence is exciting – many people believe that convergence does not affect them at all. But there is one example that nicely illustrates convergence: the smart phone, our everyday companion. The mobile or smart phone combines many of the services we need to manage our daily lives, e.g. Internet function, alarm clock, e-mail client, radio and TV. Convergence brings new challenges to nearly all companies, as the traditional boundaries are blurring and new (interface) management is required.

What special features does the master’s programme offer?
The form of convergence described above is, of course, only one example of the many developments we are facing today. For companies, for instance, the increase in mobile communication means that content has to be adapted to different devices, such as tablets and apps. This is where the term usability comes into play, because consumers or recipients only accept information that is prepared in an appealing and user-friendly way. In addition, companies are not only operating globally, but also across industries, which requires special knowledge of regional and legal conditions. A special feature of the master’s programme is its interdisciplinary nature. Students acquire knowledge and skills in the areas of media and communication science, economics, management and technical sciences, which are meant to prepare them for their future roles and positions in the European and international labour markets.

What career prospects do graduates of the MCM Master’s programme have?
Our graduates have gained a foothold in numerous branches in Austria and other European countries, where they work, for example, in marketing, sales management and database management at companies such as Momondo, Amazon, Sky or Kelag. Two of our graduates are also employed in the academic field or in media companies such as the Kleine Zeitung. Overall, companies value the education that the students have obtained, as they possess in-depth knowledge from three important areas: media and communication, business administration and technology and computer science.

Who can apply to join the Master’s degree programme?
In general, graduates of all Bachelor’s programmes can apply for the Master’s degree in Media and Convergence Management. Since the study is offered exclusively in English, excellent English skills (C1 level) are a prerequisite.

Could you briefly explain the application procedure?

All documents must be uploaded to our online application platform in English; afterwards, suitable candidates are selected.

The application period for the upcoming academic year runs from 1 March 2019 to 15 September 2019.


About the person
Isabell Koinig is the programme director of the interdisciplinary Master’s degree programme in Media and Convergence Management. The degree programme teaches students core skills in the areas of media and communication, management, marketing, and in the field of technology.

Isabell Koinig | Foto: aau/photo riccio

About the degree programme
Masterstudium Media and Convergence Management

Application period: 1 March 2019 – 15 September 2019
If you have any questions about the application procedure or the admission requirements, please contact us by writing to mcm [at]

Der Beitrag Media and Convergence Management: Ideally qualified for professional challenges! erschien zuerst auf University of Klagenfurt.

Source: AAU TEWI

Jan Breitsohl visiting the Unit of Service Management

Jan Breitsohl is currently visiting the Unit of Service Management. He is associate professor at Kent Business School (University of Kent, UK) and a distinguished scholar in the area of digital marketing. His research visit aims to develop a new cooperation in teaching and research. More about Jan

Der Beitrag Jan Breitsohl visiting the Unit of Service Management erschien zuerst auf University of Klagenfurt.

Source: AAU TEWI