“We live in a world that needs considerably more wisdom than it currently exhibits.”: A handbook dealing with research on wisdom has just come out

Judith Glück | Foto: aau/Waschnig

Weighing in at just over 800 pages, the recently published Cambridge Handbook of Wisdom was edited by Robert J. Sternberg (Cornell University) and Judith Glück (University of Klagenfurt). The handbook offers an overview of the state of research on wisdom, an area of study that is still something of a rarity at universities, and presents various perspectives describing how a greater understanding of wisdom could contribute to a better world.

The previous issue of the Handbook of Wisdom was published by Robert J. Sternberg and Jennifer Jordan 14 years ago and consisted of 13 chapters. In comparison, research on wisdom has a great deal more to offer nowadays: The new edition is comprised of 32 chapters which were contributed by 26 different research teams from the fields of psychology, philosophy, sociology, political sciences, economic sciences, and medicine. Though many scholars are working in the field of wisdom today, the topic continues to take up very little space in degree and research programmes – including those conducted by large psychology departments.

More knowledge about wisdom would carry societal benefits, according to the editors’ assumption as stated in the preface to the handbook: “We live in a world that needs considerably more wisdom than it currently exhibits.” In their view, research on wisdom – in contrast to many a narrowly defined question from the realm of experimental psychology – is highly relevant for the problems facing contemporary humankind. Yet those situations where wisdom is revealed, typically tend to elude traditional experimental methods, and this represents a key challenge for research on wisdom.

With this book, Robert J. Sternberg and Judith Glück hope to address not only students and the scientific community, but also all those beyond the field who earnestly wish to understand what constitutes wisdom and what potential it bears to change the world. Judith Glück, who investigates the development of wisdom during adulthood in one of the chapters, also explores the extent to which old age or certain stages of life are more likely to encourage the formation of wisdom. She finds that it is not possible to prove beyond doubt that any specific phase of life is a “wise” age, as results strongly depend on the (psychological) measuring instruments used in the respective studies. Wisdom does not develop automatically over the course of a lifetime, so one cannot confidently expect that time is bound to bring forth more wisdom for the individual and for the whole. “Some people work extremely hard to gain a profound understanding of the essential questions of human life. They strive to discover the ways in which we are similar to and different from each other, and to discern what opportunities we can avail ourselves of to improve not merely our own lives, but the lives of many. If these individuals also possess the emotional and cognitive skills to deal with the complexities of these issues, they can acquire a rich and deep knowledge of life, and they can use this to advance the world overall”, Judith Glück explains. The development of wisdom requires empathy, emotional self-regulation, and the capacity to reflect, among others – capacities that can all be consciously encouraged. In turn, they could contribute to the development of more wisdom, both at the individual and at the societal level.

Sternberg, R. J. & Glück, J. (2019). The Cambridge Handbook of Wisdom. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.


Der Beitrag “We live in a world that needs considerably more wisdom than it currently exhibits.”: A handbook dealing with research on wisdom has just come out erschien zuerst auf University of Klagenfurt.

Source: AAU TEWI

Postdoc-Assistentin / Postdoc-Assistent (BWG) an der Fakultät für Kulturwissenschaften, Institut für Erziehungswissenschaft und Bildungsforschung

Stellenausschreibung Wissenschaftliches Personal |Foto: kasto/Fotolia.com

Die Universität Klagenfurt schreibt folgende Stelle zur Besetzung aus:

PostDoc-Assistentin / Postdoc-Assistent (BWG)

an der Fakultät für Kulturwissenschaften, Institut für Erziehungswissenschaft und Bildungsforschung, im Beschäftigungsausmaß von 100 {c8db3f4443fb2f1c80e20e2e8420a201d47393e6b007c83f4847286f4b955a35} (Uni-KV: B1 lit.b, www.aau.at/uni-kv). Das monatliche Mindestentgelt für diese Verwendung beträgt € 3.803,90 brutto (14 x jährlich) und kann sich durch die Anrechnung tätigkeitsspezifischer Vorerfahrung erhöhen. Voraussichtlicher Beginn des auf sechs Jahre befristeten Anstellungsverhältnisses ist 1. Juli 2019. 



  • Selbständige Forschung im Bereich Diversität und Heterogenität in schulischen Bildungs- und Vermittlungsprozessen, einschließlich der pädagogischen Diagnose und Leistungsbeurteilung in einer inklusiven Perspektive
  • Konzeption, Umsetzung und Koordination von Projekten und Veranstaltungen (Forschungsprojekte, Gastvorträge, Konferenzen)
  • Selbständige Lehrtätigkeit und Mitwirkung in den Lehramtsstudiengängen und in den Studiengängen des Instituts für Erziehungswissenschaft und Bildungsforschung, insbesondere im Bereich von Diversität, Heterogenität, pädagogische Diagnose und Leistungsbeurteilung
  • Mitwirkung an den Forschungsschwerpunkten und Aufgaben des Instituts für Erziehungswissenschaft und Bildungsforschung und der School of Education sowie Kooperation mit Bildungsinstitutionen



  • Abgeschlossenes Master- bzw. Diplomstudium (einschlägiges erziehungswissenschaftliches Studium und/oder universitäres Lehramtsstudium) an einer in- oder ausländischen Hochschule mit mindestens gutem Erfolg
  • Abgeschlossenes Doktoratsstudium im Bereich Erziehungswissenschaft/Pädagogik/ Bildungswissenschaft an einer in- oder ausländischen Hochschule mit mindestens gutem Erfolg
  • Forschungserfahrungen in Bezug auf Diversität und Inklusion in der Schule
  • Erfahrungen in der Lehre an Universität und/oder Hochschule
  • Gute Methodenkompetenz (empirische Forschung)
  • Nachweisliche Erfahrungen in der Teamarbeit
  • Zweit- und/oder Fremdsprachenkompetenzen


Der Nachweis für die Erfüllung aller Voraussetzungen für die Einstellung muss bis spätestens 24. Mai 2019 vorliegen.


Erwünscht sind:

  • Nachweisliche Auseinandersetzung mit mindestens zwei Diversitätsdimensionen in einer inklusiven Perspektive (z.B. Kultur, Ethnien, Religion, Alter, Geschlecht, Begabung, Behinderung)
  • Erfahrungen im Bereich der Unterrichts-, Schul- oder Bildungssystementwicklung sowie in der Professionalitätsentwicklung von Lehrkräften
  • Erfahrungen in der Schulpraxis und/oder in der Kooperation mit Bildungsinstitutionen


Die Stelle wird ohne die Möglichkeit einer Qualifizierungsvereinbarung ausgeschrieben.

Die Universität strebt eine Erhöhung des Frauenanteils beim wissenschaftlichen Personal an und fordert daher qualifizierte Frauen ausdrücklich zur Bewerbung auf.

Menschen mit Behinderungen oder chronischen Erkrankungen, die die geforderten Qualifikationskriterien erfüllen, werden ausdrücklich zur Bewerbung aufgefordert.

Allgemeine Informationen finden BewerberInnen unter www.aau.at/jobs/information.

Bewerbungen sind mit den üblichen Unterlagen bis 24. April 2019 unter der Kennung 224/19 an die Universität Klagenfurt, Dekanatekanzlei/Recruiting, ausschließlich über das Online-Bewerbungsformular unter www.aau.at/obf zu richten.

Es besteht kein Anspruch auf Abgeltung von Reise- und Aufenthaltskosten, die aus Anlass des Aufnahmeverfahrens entstehen.

Der Beitrag Postdoc-Assistentin / Postdoc-Assistent (BWG) an der Fakultät für Kulturwissenschaften, Institut für Erziehungswissenschaft und Bildungsforschung erschien zuerst auf University of Klagenfurt.

Source: AAU TEWI

Tenure track professorship in clinical psychology at the Faculty of Humanities, Institute of Psychology, Department of Clinical Psychology, Psychotherapy and Psychoanalysis

Stellenausschreibung Wissenschaftliches Personal | Foto: kasto/Fotolia.com

Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt announces the following open position:

Tenure track professorship in clinical psychology

at the Faculty of Humanities, Institute of Psychology, Department of Clinical Psychology, Psychotherapy and Psychoanalysis. The University of Klagenfurt plans to strengthen its psychodynamically oriented research group with a tenure track position. The Institute of Psychology, an active collaborative community with a diverse faculty and student body, offers an undergraduate program, a general M.A. program, and a Ph.D. program. The Department of Clinical Psychology, Psychotherapy and Psychoanalysis has a focus on psychodynamically oriented approaches, which also includes mentalization-based treatment. An outpatient center that treats psychodynamically oriented depression and anxiety patients is part of the Institute of Psychology.

The University of Klagenfurt is a young, lively, innovative university located in the Austrian province of Carinthia, a meeting point of three cultures. The University is Carinthia’s largest academic institution and a hub for the Alps-Adriatic region in terms of knowledge acquisition, exchange and transfer (for more information please visit our website: www.aau.at/en/jobs/information).

This is a full-time position (initial employment limited to 6 years) with the option of negotiating a qualification agreement (Assistant Professor, tenure track). Upon fulfilling the qualification agreement, the postholder is promoted to tenured Associate Professor (permanent employment). Earliest starting date is 1st of September 2019.

Duties and Responsibilities

Participation in the Institute’s research, psychological service and teaching tasks, including:

  • Independent research in the field of clinical psychology with a psychodynamic emphasis and further development of the candidate’s scientific qualification to the level required for Associate Professorship
  • Grant acquisition and management of research projects (national and international)
  • Graduate and undergraduate teaching with an emphasis on psychotherapeutic work with adults, examination activities, and supervision of students
  • Publications in international journals and active participation in national and international conferences
  • Participation in administration, in university committees, and in quality assurance activities
  • Contribution to the international scientific network of the Institute of Psychology

Required qualifications

  • Master’s degree or diploma and PhD/doctorate in psychology
  • Profound knowledge in the field of clinical psychology (e.g., in psychopathology and in different interventions for treatment of psychological disorders)
  • Empirical background in psychotherapy processes and/or outcome research
  • Research interest in psychodynamic psychotherapy
  • Competence in statistical methods
  • Publications in international peer-reviewed clinical psychology or psychotherapy journals
  • Teaching experience at university level
  • Excellent English skills (speaking and writing), willingness to obtain German speaking skills

Candidates must meet the required qualifications by 23rd of August, 2019 at the latest.

Additional desired qualifications

  • Research, publications or active participation in conferences in the field of psychodynamically oriented psychotherapy research, for example on topics such as reflective functioning, attachment, intersession psychotherapy, therapeutic alliance and outcome
  • Expertise in advanced statistical methods relevant for clinical psychology (e.g., hierarchical linear models or time series analyses)
  • Clinical training and experience in working with patients with mental disorders after obtaining a Master’s degree
  • Experience in third-party grant applications and project management (national and international)
  • Experience in organizing workshops in clinical psychology or related fields (e.g., health psychology or psychological assessment)
  • International experience
  • Research interests overlapping with other research topics at the Institute of Psychology (e.g., public health, wisdom, social exclusion or gerontopsychology)
  • Excellent grades for Master’s and Doctoral/PhD degrees
  • Experience with academic administrative duties
  • Ability to cooperate in a team, social and communicative competence

The nature of the position requires the candidate to work in Klagenfurt. The Department of Clinical Psychology, Psychotherapy and Psychoanalysis is currently expanding. Our team offers a friendly and dynamic work atmosphere.

The university aims to increase the proportion of women in scientific positions, especially in leadership and therefore encourages qualified women to apply for the position. In case of equivalent qualification, women are accepted preferentially.

People with disabilities or chronic diseases, who fulfill the requirements, are particularly encouraged to apply.

Salary and application

The minimum gross salary for this position is € 53,255.- per annum (§ 27 Uni-KV B1 lit b), € 62,978.- after promotion to Assistant Professor (§ 27 Uni-KV A2) and € 68,285.- after promotion to Associate Professor.

Applications in English and German are welcome and should include a CV, cover letter, and the names of three referees, as well as copies of certificates and degrees. The deadline for applications is 15th of May 2019.

Applications must be submitted online between 3rd and 24th of April 2019 via www.aau.at/obf (please indicate reference code 24/19). Because of a scheduled system migration, you will not be able to apply between 25th and 29th of April 2019. Applications lodged between 30 th of April and 15 th of May 2019 have to be submitted via the Job Portal jobs.aau.at in the category „scientific staff“ by pressing the button „Apply here“ under the job code 24/19 in the Job Portal.

Travel and accommodation costs incurred during the application process will not be refunded. Translations of this announcement into other languages shall serve informational purposes only. The English version alone shall be legally binding.

For further information, please contact Prof. Dr. Sylke Andreas (Sylke.andreas [at] aau.at), phone +43(0)463 2700 1625.

Der Beitrag Tenure track professorship in clinical psychology at the Faculty of Humanities, Institute of Psychology, Department of Clinical Psychology, Psychotherapy and Psychoanalysis erschien zuerst auf University of Klagenfurt.

Source: AAU TEWI

Pflanzentauschbörse am Uni-Campus

Pflanzentauschbörse am Unicampus Foto: rawpixel | pixabay

Am 7. Mai 2019 wird vom ÖH-Unigarteam eine Pflanzentauschbörse zwischen 11 und 17 Uhr direkt am ÖH-Unigarten (hinter Hörsaal A) angeboten. Dort werden vorgezogene Pflanzen zum Tauschen angeboten. Ziel der Pflanzentauschbörse ist es die Biodiversität zu fördern und einen Erfahrungsaustausch zwischen interessierten Hobby-GärtnerInnen und denen die es noch werden möchten zu ermöglichen. Wer keine eigenen Jungpflanzen hat, ist trotzdem herzlich eingeladen, an der Tauschbörse teilzunehmen, Erfahrungen auszutauschen, sich am Buffet zu laben und gegen eine freiwillige Spende auch ohne Tausch Jungpflanzen mitzunehmen.

Der Beitrag Pflanzentauschbörse am Uni-Campus erschien zuerst auf University of Klagenfurt.

Source: AAU TEWI

Drawing from the past for the benefit of the present

Andrew Urban | Foto: aau/Müller

Andrew Urban is an Associate Professor at Rutgers University New Brunswick in New Jersey. In his work as a historian at the Department of American Studies he places a particular focus on the history of laborers and migrants. As Fulbright Fellow, he is spending the summer semester of 2019 at the Department of English and American Studies in Klagenfurt.

For Andrew Urban, the present is full of history: Among the students he teaches in New Jersey, 32 per cent are “first generation academics”, and many have a migration background. His own family did not come to the USA until the early 20th century: They were Austrian-Hungarian nationals, and at the start of the First World War they left Galicia on the border between Poland and Ukraine, to flee to the United States. “When I was growing up, I was repeatedly reminded that my family had not lived in the USA since the Mayflower, but instead we came much later”, Andrew Urbans recounts from his personal migration history. His is a multi-layered view of the narrative of the United States of America as a country of immigrants: “Even in the past, the influx of migrants from certain regions of the world was restricted time and again. At the start of the 20th century, for instance, it was very difficult for people from Asia to enter the USA. In the 1920s, strict limitations were applied primarily to immigrants from Southern and Eastern Europe.” The story we tell needs to become more complicated, he explains, in order to adequately represent the reality. Today, his research revolves around the lives of migrants and laborers, while always maintaining a strong link to the present. “History should be useful for our lives today; only then does it make sense to deal with the past”, Urban summarizes the concept of “usable past”.

Andrew Urban is spending the summer semester of 2019 at the University of Klagenfurt as Fulbright Fellow. Here, together with his students, he is investigating the history of displaced persons and refugees who were kept in Carinthian camps. One of the aims of this work is to show how the history of refugees after the Second World War became part of the Austrian public memory.

We ask Andrew Urban to give us his thoughts on why migration is seen as a more serious problem today, compared to the past few decades: “We are lucky to enjoy many aspects of globalization: We are widely connected, we can purchase goods from all over the world and sell them globally, we can listen to music from the other side of the globe, and we can go online to join live sports events that are happening on other continents. And yet, at the same time, we harbor deep concerns with regard to the migration of people. There is also a great deal of irony in economic history: We are proud of the economic success of the Western world, but we remain unaware that this success is based on the exploitation of others. I cannot offer any simple answers to the questions of the age, but I do believe that we must both acknowledge and thoroughly address the contradictions”, he goes on to say.

The historian, who once wanted to work as a journalist and whose early professional career involved the job of knowledge transfer in museums, considers it a responsibility of research to create appropriate spaces for dialogue with citizens. According to Urban, it does not make much sense for his articles to have a readership of only 30 people. Instead, the aim should be to make himself and his topics relevant beyond the borders of universities. This explains why Andrew Urban likes to contribute to exhibition projects, produce podcasts and make documentaries. As he tells us, these are the things he would like to continue to do in his scientific field in the future.




U.S. Immigration History and the Contemporary Politics of Immigration Control

April, 3rd (12.00 – 13.30)
HS 10



English and American Studies

Der Beitrag Drawing from the past for the benefit of the present erschien zuerst auf University of Klagenfurt.

Source: AAU TEWI