Congratulations Dr. Suneth Ranasinghe!
A happy day for the Application Engineering Research Group: After…

Prof. Veda Storey winner of the P.P.Chen Award 2018
The Peter P. Chen Award honors one person each year for his or…

WiWi: 25 Jahre Fakultät
Die Verhandlungen waren zäh, aber es gelang: Vor 25 Jahren stimmte…

Peter P. Chen Award 2018 - Call for Nominations
On behalf of the ER Institute and the ER Steering Committee,…

EMISA Journal – Special Issue on Conceptual Modelling in honour of Heinrich C. Mayr
On the occasion of Heinrich C. Mayr’s 70th birthday, the…

Dagstuhl Seminar Approved
The research group Application Engineering proudly presents:

Judith Michael moves to a senior research position at RWTH Aachen
Congratulations: With March 1, Judith Michael will…