
The conference will take place in the rooms of the Evangelische Akademie Tutzing.

The Academy also has an accommodation facility: the guest rooms are located in the old castle in the guesthouse and in the Kavaliersbau. The historic palace building combines stucco ceilings and antique furnishings with modern fixtures to form a harmonious whole. In the guesthouse and the Kavaliersbau you will find modern overnight accommodations, with facilities that are also suitable for people with walking disabilities.

All 66 rooms are equipped with shower and WC. Some of the rooms are handicapped accessible. From several guest rooms you can enjoy a wonderful view over Lake Starnberg and the extensive castle park.

Accommodation prices per person and night (without a warrant): 

Single room

Double room

Double as Single


€ 78,-

€ 58,-

€ 96,-

Schloss und Kavaliersgebäude

€ 82,-

€ 62,-

€ 99

Breakfast buffet

€ 12,50

Room reservation

Mrs. Sophie Peikert, phone +49 8158-251 144,
Written reservation by email is requested.

Cancellation terms

1. Cancellation of participation two weeks before the start of conference € 25,00 administration fee
2. Lodging with breakfast and meals 50 {c8db3f4443fb2f1c80e20e2e8420a201d47393e6b007c83f4847286f4b955a35} of the total agreed price if cancelled within two weeks before start of conference
3. Lodging with breakfast and meals 100 {c8db3f4443fb2f1c80e20e2e8420a201d47393e6b007c83f4847286f4b955a35} of the total agreed price if cancelled at start of conference or earlier departure

However, there are also a number of hotels in the vicinity of the Academy; the following list was sent to us by the Academy:

EZ DZ Entfernung zur Akademie

Heinrich-Vogel-Str. 9

Tel.: 0 81 58/30 61

69,00 € – 75,00 € 95,00 € – 99,00 € 8 Minuten zu Fuß
Hotel Zum Reschen

Marienstr. 7

Tel.: 0 81 58/93 90

ab 79,00 € – 88,00 € 108,00 € – 120,00 € 5 Minuten zu Fuß
Hotel Garni Möwe

Kirchenstraße 4a

Tel.: 0 81 58/931 60

70,00 € 90,00 € 6 Minuten zu Fuß
Hotel Kaiserin Elisabeth

Tutzinger Straße 2

82340 Feldafing

Telefon +49 (0)8157 9309 – 0

105,00 € – 120,00 € 165,00 € – 195,00 € 15 Minuten mit dem Auto

in Richtung Starnberg

Hotel Seeblick

Tutzinger Str. 9

82347 Bernried

Tel.: 0 81 58/25 40

FAX: -“-   /30 56

ab 85,00 € – 130,00 € 110,00 € – 145,00 € 15 Minuten mit dem Auto in Richtung Seeshaupt
Hotel am See

Marienstr. 16

Tel.: 0 81 58/99 500

ab 69,00 € – 139,00 € 99,00 €- 189,00 € 3 Minuten zu Fuß
Gästehaus Maria-Hilf

Bahnhofstr. 3

Tel.: 0 160 955 13728

28,00 € 48,00 € 10 Minuten zu Fuß

Die Preise variieren teilweise je nach Jahreszeit, Größe, Lage und Ausstattung der Zimmer. Nähere Informationen dazu erhalten Sie auch auf den jeweiligen Internetseiten der Hotels (Preise unter Vorbehalt). Private Zimmer erhalten Sie über den Fremdenverkehrsverband Starnberger Fünfseenland, Tel.: 0 8151/906 00 oder unter