SeqTrex – Recording and Analysing the Program Construction Se-quence of Block-based Programming Environments

Is learning to program easy or difficult? One might have different opinions about it, but one is for sure: it is not without its efforts. An objective of the SeqTrex project is to learn more about how novice programmers start to learn programming and become, finally, experts. For this, we are looking at structures and patterns found in the sequence of program construction and also include information from other sources like eye and emotion tracker.

An important part of SeqTrex deals with recording and analysing program construction sequences of (block-based) programming environments. The following steps are to be addressed:

  1. Recording the program construction sequence, including screenshots (state of the programming environment) and keyboard and click interactions, and storing them in a useful format.
  2. Processing the recorded interactions into a model that represents the program construction sequence. This includes: devising the model, creating the model from recorded interactions (image data and interactions), marking programming interactions.
  3. Saving the processed model into a database for further analysis purposes.

There is a prototypical Python implementation that handles the first part for desktop applications and handles some parts of the second project part, which can be adapted. Furthermore, a solution for the first project part that can be applied for decentralized, non-desktop trials is expected.
This offer of practical work is open for all students of the technical faculty and can be used to fulfil the bachelor or master practical work. Compensation can be issued in the form of a grant for one term. Further information: Max Kesselbacher (max.kesselbacher [at]

Der Beitrag SeqTrex – Recording and Analysing the Program Construction Se-quence of Block-based Programming Environments erschien zuerst auf Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt.

Source: AAU TEWI

Tutors searched!

Tutors searched!

The “System Safety Laboratory” is looking for a Tutor for the academic year 2018/2019.


  • Laboratory completed
  • No worries about JavaCard (and the students’ problems)
  • English language skills

If you are interested, please send your job application to Mr. Peter Schartner.

Der Beitrag Tutors searched! erschien zuerst auf Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt.

Source: AAU TEWI

Annual Cleaning in the Library (17.-20.09.)

Bibliothek - Under Construction Symbol | Grafik: Andrea Bem (UB)

Dear AAU University Library users, dear AAU students,

From Monday, 17.09. (- 20.09.): Annual cleaning in the library!

Access is temporarily prohibited in certain areas  (this also includes shelves)!

Please use accessible areas.
In urgent cases, pleace contact library staff.

Thank you for your co-operation.


Kind regards,
Your UL Team

Der Beitrag Annual Cleaning in the Library (17.-20.09.) erschien zuerst auf Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt.

Source: AAU TEWI

Bringing the connection between technology and management to life

Erlfried Taurer | Foto: Constantia

Erlfried Taurer is CEO of Constantia Industries AG and was voted one of the most powerful industrial managers in Austria by the Industriemagazin trade journal in 2014. Mr Taurer has built up his success from scratch: a portrait of an inquisitive mind.

After finishing technical secondary school, Erlfried Taurer started working in Development as an engineer at a Carinthian industrial company, where he constructed injection moulding and bending die tools. But, as he explained, the purely technical work soon became “too little and too one-dimensional” for him. So he began to take courses on production organisation and quality management alongside his work, discovering in the process a keen interest in connections and business administration. The management rewarded his outstanding commitment and after a time offered him an assistant management position. In this role, he implemented quality management systems, became an auditor and went on to audit quality and environmental management systems for the car industry worldwide. He couldn’t keep away from business administration, and after around ten successful years as an engineer, Mr Taurer decided to embark on a programme of study in Applied Business Administration at Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt. “I can never stand still – or I never want to, I should say. Plus I wanted to supplement my practical experience with the necessary theoretical commercial knowledge so that I could master more exciting challenges and perform even better.”

Mr Taurer chose Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt because “the personal closeness between lecturers and students at AAU is unique. In my opinion, no other university in Austria offers students such a relaxed and welcoming atmosphere.” And this, Mr Taurer believes, “has a positive effect on the entire programme of study.” Coming from the world of work, the course enabled Mr Taurer to examine job-related issues and dynamics from a distance and with a new breadth of vision. In addition, his ongoing personal connection between theoretical input and practical professional experience made a lot of things much easier for him in the programme of study. Therefore Mr Taurer’s advice for today’s students is as follows: “You should seize the opportunity to go on international exchanges. That’s how students get to know other cultures and experience the ‘best practices’ of international companies.”

Pioneer, guide and critical authority
As CEO of the holding company and Chair of the Supervisory Board, Erlfried Taurer concentrates on the company’s strategic direction. “It’s a very future-oriented, wide-ranging task that has to be discussed and responded to very carefully and cautiously.” Mr Taurer sees himself as a “pioneer, guide and critical authority” today.

Despite holding multiple offices and roles, he still maintains very close contact with Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt today. He supports the university, its students and graduates in whatever way he can – be it in the links between theory and practice, cooperation projects and collaboration with departments and research projects or discussions with professors on future industrial specialist fields. “I am proud to be an Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt alumni. So I try to be an ambassador for AAU outside Carinthia.”

Der Beitrag Bringing the connection between technology and management to life erschien zuerst auf Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt.

Source: AAU TEWI

I can’t keep away from the subject of internationalisation

Meinrad Höfferer | Foto: aau/KK

Meinrad Höfferer is Divisional Manager for Foreign Trade and International Relations at the Carinthian Chamber of Commerce. Listening skills, a solution-oriented approach, communication skills and the ability to transfer knowledge are among the key attributes needed for his career. A portrait of a busy man.

He knew at an early stage that he wanted to work in the business world. So enrolling at the Handelsakademie Althofen business college was a logical first step. Then, in 2006, Meinrad Höfferer completed a bespoke programme of study in Media and Communications Science and Applied Business Administration at AAU. “Business was a clear choice for me, and as I’m very communicative and very interested in media, especially the ‘new media’, these were the only programmes of study for me. So the two subjects together were a fantastic combination,” recalls Mr Höfferer. Today, his passion is international relations, and he works as a Divisional Manager for Foreign Trade and International Relations at the Carinthian Chamber of Commerce.

 A global outlook is in demand
Meinrad Höfferer spent half of his programme of study abroad. In addition to numerous semesters studying in Italy, China, Shanghai and the USA, he also gained his first work experience abroad. The 35-year old completed his compulsory work placement at BMW Group in Munich and, during an EU project for planning and implementing a marketing plan for food and handicraft products, was responsible for the Grebenzen nature park. In Mr Höfferer’s view, travelling widely abroad gives you an extra edge that will always benefit your CV. Improving your language skills is not the only criterion involved in a decision to spend a semester abroad: delving into other cultures gives you a more global outlook too, Mr Höfferer believes. Alpen-Adria-Universität was a retreat he was always happy to return to. “Klagenfurt was a great place to study. Compared with the places I studied abroad, life on campus is fantastic at Klagenfurt. That’s not often the case in Austria.”

Originally, Meinrad Höfferer wanted to go abroad after completing his studies, but things turned out differently: in 2006, he joined the Carinthian Chamber of Commerce as Team Leader for Foreign Trade and the EU. He now leads a team in the Department of Foreign Trade and International Relations. This serves around 2500 Carinthian businesses that are active internationally. When asked what skills are particularly important for his profession, the Klagenfurt native answered: excellent listening skills, a solution-oriented approach to work, communication skills and the ability to transfer knowledge. Foreign travel and business trips are just as much a part of Mr Höfferer’s everyday working life as negotiations within Austria and abroad.

He still has intensive contact with his university today. For example, students can hear him speak as a guest lecturer, and specific projects are even being developed jointly with the Carinthian Chamber of Commerce as part of the Business Administration programme of study. “The theory is very important, but students must learn how to apply it practically too,” stresses Mr Höfferer. His recipe for successful studies and entry into the world of work: “Keep strictly to your goals, focus on your education but also keep abreast of current affairs, and combine the theory with practical experience at an early stage.”

International in his private life too
Meinrad Höfferer can’t keep away from the subject of internationalisation, even in his private life. For example, he is Chair of the ‘Kärnten Grenzenlos’ [Carinthia Without Borders] association, an initiative promoting an internationally-oriented Carinthia with a global outlook that aims to leverage the potential of cross-border collaboration with neighbouring countries. As a counterbalance to his work and to recharge his batteries, Mr Höfferer spends his free time in Carinthia’s nature, where you may come across him mountain climbing, running, cycling, swimming or playing tennis in summer or on the Carinthian ski slopes in winter.

Der Beitrag I can’t keep away from the subject of internationalisation erschien zuerst auf Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt.

Source: AAU TEWI

Business administration and music – how do they fit together?

Andreas Schaffer | Foto: privat

Andreas Schaffer studied Applied Business Administration at AAU as well as Instrumental and Vocal Pedagogy at the Carinthian State Conservatory. He is now Director of the Gustav Mahler Musikschule Klagenfurt music school, as well as being a flautist and conductor of various ensembles. In an interview, he explains how he benefits from business administration as a musician, what he likes about his job in particular and why you should always have the courage to oppose other opinions and stand up for your own.

What did you study?

Applied Business Administration with a focus on Marketing, Controlling and Italian at AAU and Instrumental and Vocal Pedagogy at the Carinthian State Conservatory.

 That’s an unusual combination. What influence has it had on your career and your current work?

Yes, you’re right. Even during my programme of study, everyone at uni and in the music world asked me: “Business administration and music – how do they fit together?” Today, however, I benefit tremendously from the combination. On the one hand, I work artistically as a musician myself – I am a flautist and conductor of numerous ensembles and orchestras. On the other hand, I need some elements of my business administration studies for my leadership role as Director of Musikschule Klagenfurt: employment law, industrial psychology, sociology, marketing, strategic planning, motivation, complaints management and so on. The thing that has really stayed with me from my programme of study is to analyse each problem first and then think about alternatives.

What is it that you like in particular about your job?

The thing I especially like is that no two days are the same. Sometimes I teach, sometimes I sit in on other tuition sessions. Musikschule Klagenfurt is the largest music school in Carinthia. We have 60 teachers who look after more than 1800 students. Problem solving is something I deal with every day in running our school and I hold a lot of meetings with students, parents and colleagues. My diploma dissertation was on ‘Quality of Service’ and I make use of it almost every day. However, I feel especially privileged because my career means both work and pleasure for me.

Are there situations where you think back to your programme of study?

I have a constant sense of déjà-vu. Situations from back then come to mind time and again. For example, we were often told that the level of entrepreneurship in Carinthia was too low. Although I haven’t established my own business, there is no denying that I have a general urge to shape things actively and to change the status quo.

Do you have any anecdotes from your student days?

Yes, I’ve got a funny one. In one of my first courses, Prof. Robert Rebhahn from the Law department said, “University is one of the biggest marriage markets in Austria. But that shouldn’t be the only reason why you do a degree!”

Do you still have links with AAU now?

Sometimes there are guest lectures which I attend, and some musicians from the academic world play in the symphony orchestra I conduct.

What advice would you give today’s students for the future?

Completing a degree is part of becoming qualified. But a CV should also show different kinds of education, which definitely includes trips abroad and foreign languages. You also need to have the courage to oppose other opinions, and different schools of thought.

What do you miss about your student days (at AAU)?

I’m not really one for nostalgia; I like to move forwards.

Quick-fire questions:

  • A happy moment at AAU was… my graduation ceremony
  • What have you kept from your student days? Pretty much all of my books and notes
  • Who inspired you? Some professors and guest lecturers
  • Your programme of study in four words: It has paid off!

Der Beitrag Business administration and music – how do they fit together? erschien zuerst auf Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt.

Source: AAU TEWI

The AAU Delegation to the European Women in Mathematics General Meeting 2018

The European Women in Mathematics association (EWM) held its general meeting at the Institute for Mathematics of the Karl Franzens University Graz during September 3-7, 2018, celebrating 30 years of existence. The conference was co-organised by Elena Resmerita (Institute for Mathematics of the AAU), who was re-elected as deputy convenor for the period 2018-2020 together with Carola Schönlieb (Cambridge University) as an EWM convenor. More than one hundred female mathematicians from all over Europe met for excellent scientific lectures, minisymposia and posters presentations, discussions and networking:

Der Beitrag The AAU Delegation to the European Women in Mathematics General Meeting 2018 erschien zuerst auf Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt.

Source: AAU TEWI

Can novels make us care about others? A study based on ethnic American literatures

Alexa Weik von Mossner | Foto: aau/KK

When President Donald Trump addresses the nation, he often resorts to discriminatory stereotypes when referring to African American, Mexican American and Muslim American communities. The narrative that suggests that these groups represent a threat to the American nation is shaping a number of current debates, but there are also important counternarratives. Within the scope of a project funded by the Austrian Science Fund (FWF), scholars from the field of American Studies are investigating how ethnic American literary texts are inviting readers to imaginatively step into the shoes of a character who is different from themselves and to see the world through that character’s eyes.

Cognitive approaches to cultural texts are increasingly gaining currency in contemporary debates in literary and cultural studies. Yet they have often been criticized for focusing too narrowly on the interaction between a text and a single, highly abstract reader, and for disregarding both actual readers and the larger historical, political, and cultural context in which a text is produced and consumed. Alexa Weik von Mossner aims to counter this criticism in a new project funded by the Austrian Science Fund (FWF) entitled “Narrative Encounters with Ethnic American Literatures”. As Weik von Mossner (Department of English) explains, “I hope to close some of the perceived gaps between cognitive narratology, which draws on insights in neuroscience, and the more context and politically oriented approaches within literary and cultural studies”.

The research team will study the narrative strategies of a range of ethnic American literary texts, devoting particular attention to African American, Mexican American and Muslim American authors. Alexa Weik von Mossner elaborates further: “We want to take a closer look at empathy, affect and emotion both in the writing and the reading process.” The literary scholars hope to establish which roles empathy and emotion play in literary texts that revolve around the mediation of ethnic and cultural differences. “Ultimately, we hope to gain a better understanding of the repercussions these texts may have for the contemporary political climate in the United States. By examining the consequences of an imaginative engagement with ethnic American literatures, we hope to open up new perspectives.”

Der Beitrag Can novels make us care about others? A study based on ethnic American literatures erschien zuerst auf Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt.

Source: AAU TEWI

Universitätsassistentin / Universitätsassistent am Institut für Rechtswissenschaften – Kennung 525H/18

Vortrag an der Universität | Foto: kasto,

Die Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt schreibt gem. § 107 Abs. 1 Universitätsgesetz 2002 folgende Stelle zur Besetzung aus:

 Universitätsassistentin / Universitätsassistent

am Institut für Rechtswissenschaften, Fakultät für Wirtschaftswissenschaften, im Beschäftigungsausmaß von 100 {c8db3f4443fb2f1c80e20e2e8420a201d47393e6b007c83f4847286f4b955a35} (Uni-KV: B1 Das monatliche Mindestentgelt für diese Verwendung beträgt € 2.794,60 brutto (14 x jährlich) und kann sich auf Basis der kollektivvertraglichen Vorschriften durch die Anrechnung tätigkeitsspezifischer Vorerfahrungen erhöhen. Voraussichtlicher Beginn des auf vier Jahre befristeten Angestelltenverhältnisses ist ehestmöglich.


Der Aufgabenbereich der Stelle liegt im Bereich Öffentliches Recht und umfasst folgende Tätigkeiten:

  • Unterstützung in der Forschung, bei Lehrveranstaltungen und Prüfungen im Bereich Öffentliches Recht sowie bei Organisations- und Verwaltungsaufgaben
  • Selbständiges wissenschaftliches Arbeiten mit dem Ziel der Erstellung einer Dissertation im öffentlichen Recht
  • Selbständige Durchführung von Lehrveranstaltungen sowie Prüfungstätigkeiten
  • Betreuung von Studierenden


  • Abschluss eines rechtswissenschaftlichen Diplom- oder Masterstudiums an einer in- oder ausländischen Hochschule
  • Gute Kenntnisse des (österreichischen) öffentlichen Rechts sowie des Europarechts

Der Nachweis für die Erfüllung aller Voraussetzungen für die Einstellung muss bis spätestens 26. September 2018 vorliegen.

Erwünscht sind:

  • Bereitschaft zur engagierten Mitarbeit in Forschung, Lehre und Administration
  • Guter Studienerfolg
  • Erfahrung im wissenschaftlichen Arbeiten
  • Stilsichere mündliche und schriftliche Ausdrucksweise
  • EDV-AnwenderInnenkenntnisse der gängigen Office-Programme (Word, PowerPoint, Outlook) sowie der wichtigsten Rechtsdatenbanken (RIS, RDB, RIDA etc.)
  • Gute Englischkenntnisse
  • Teamfähigkeit

Diese Stelle dient der fachlichen und wissenschaftlichen Bildung von AbsolventInnen eines rechtswissenschaftlichen Diplom- oder Masterstudiums mit dem Ziel des Abschlusses eines Doktorats-/Ph.D.-Studiums. Bewerbungen von Personen, die bereits über ein facheinschlägiges Doktorat bzw. einen facheinschlägigen Ph.D. verfügen, können daher nicht berücksichtigt werden.

Die Universität Klagenfurt strebt eine Erhöhung des Frauenanteils beim Personal an und fordert daher qualifizierte Frauen ausdrücklich zur Bewerbung auf.

Menschen mit Behinderungen oder chronischen Erkrankungen, die die geforderten Qualifikations­kriterien erfüllen, werden ausdrücklich zur Bewerbung aufgefordert.

Allgemeine Informationen finden BewerberInnen unter

Bewerbungen sind mit den üblichen Unterlagen (u.a. Prüfungs- bzw. Abschlusszeugnisse, Gutachten zur Diplom- bzw. Masterarbeit) bis 26. September 2018 unter der
Kennung 525H/18 an die Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt, Dekanatekanzlei / Recruiting, ausschließlich über das Online-Bewerbungsformular unter  zu richten.

Es besteht kein Anspruch auf Abgeltung von Reise- und Aufenthaltskosten, die aus Anlass des Aufnahmeverfahrens entstehen.

Der Beitrag Universitätsassistentin / Universitätsassistent am Institut für Rechtswissenschaften – Kennung 525H/18 erschien zuerst auf Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt.

Source: AAU TEWI

Universitätsassistentin / Universitätsassistent am Institut für Rechtswissenschaften – Kennung 527H/18

Vortrag an der Universität | Foto: kasto,

Die Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt schreibt gem. § 107 Abs. 1 Universitätsgesetz 2002 folgende Stelle zur Besetzung aus:

 Universitätsassistentin / Universitätsassistent

am Institut für Rechtswissenschaften, Fakultät für Wirtschaftswissenschaften, im Beschäftigungs­ausmaß von 100 {c8db3f4443fb2f1c80e20e2e8420a201d47393e6b007c83f4847286f4b955a35} (Uni-KV: B1 Das monatliche Mindestentgelt für diese Verwendung beträgt € 2.794,60 brutto (14 x jährlich) und kann sich auf Basis der kollektivvertraglichen Vorschriften durch die Anrechnung tätigkeitsspezifischer Vorerfahrungen erhöhen. Voraussichtlicher Beginn des auf vier Jahre befristeten Angestellten­verhältnisses ist ehestmöglich.


Der Aufgabenbereich der Stelle liegt im Bereich Finanzrecht und umfasst folgende Tätigkeiten:

  • Unterstützung in der Forschung, bei Lehrveranstaltungen und Prüfungen im Bereich Finanzrecht sowie bei Organisations- und Verwaltungsaufgaben
  • Selbständiges wissenschaftliches Arbeiten mit dem Ziel der Erstellung einer Dissertation im Bereich des Finanzrechts
  • Selbständige Durchführung von Lehrveranstaltungen sowie Prüfungstätigkeiten
  • Betreuung von Studierenden
  • Wahrnehmung von Organisations- und Verwaltungsaufgaben


  • Abschluss eines rechtswissenschaftlichen Diplom- oder Masterstudiums oder eines Masterstudiums an der Schnittstelle zwischen Wirtschaft und Recht an einer in- oder ausländischen Hochschule
  • Sehr guter Studienerfolg
  • Gute Kenntnisse des (österreichischen) Finanz- und Steuerrechts
  • Erfahrungen im universitären Lehr- und Forschungsbetrieb

Der Nachweis für die Erfüllung aller Voraussetzungen für die Einstellung muss bis spätestens 26. September 2018 vorliegen.

Erwünscht sind:

  • Bereitschaft zur engagierten Mitarbeit in Forschung, Lehre und Administration
  • Stilsichere mündliche und schriftliche Ausdrucksweise
  • EDV-AnwenderInnenkenntnisse der gängigen Office-Programme (Word, PowerPoint, Outlook) sowie der wichtigsten Rechtsdatenbanken (RIS, RDB, RIDA etc.)
  • Teamfähigkeit
  • Auslandserfahrung

Diese Stelle dient der fachlichen und wissenschaftlichen Bildung von AbsolventInnen eines rechtswissenschaftlichen Diplom- oder Masterstudiums mit dem Ziel des Abschlusses eines Doktorats-/Ph.D.-Studiums. Bewerbungen von Personen, die bereits über ein facheinschlägiges Doktorat bzw. einen facheinschlägigen Ph.D. verfügen, können daher nicht berücksichtigt werden.

Die Universität Klagenfurt strebt eine Erhöhung des Frauenanteils beim Personal an und fordert daher qualifizierte Frauen ausdrücklich zur Bewerbung auf.

Menschen mit Behinderungen oder chronischen Erkrankungen, die die geforderten Qualifikationskriterien erfüllen, werden ausdrücklich zur Bewerbung aufgefordert.

Allgemeine Informationen finden BewerberInnen unter

Bewerbungen sind mit den üblichen Unterlagen (u.a. Prüfungs- bzw. Abschlusszeugnisse, Gutachten zur Diplom- bzw. Masterarbeit) bis 26. September 2018 unter der
Kennung 527H/18 an die Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt, Dekanatekanzlei / Recruiting, ausschließlich über das Online-Bewerbungsformular unter zu richten.

Es besteht kein Anspruch auf Abgeltung von Reise- und Aufenthaltskosten, die aus Anlass des Aufnahmeverfahrens entstehen.

Der Beitrag Universitätsassistentin / Universitätsassistent am Institut für Rechtswissenschaften – Kennung 527H/18 erschien zuerst auf Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt.

Source: AAU TEWI