
Siemens’ journey towards the Industrial Internet and Machine Learning

Intelligent machines, the internet of things, data generated by hundreds or thousands of sensors at a high rate, big data analytics and new ways connecting people and machines at work and on the move will create the next industrial revolution, the Industrial Internet of Things. This will also deeply transform industrial applications. Siemens is specialized in industry-specific service solutions tailored to the particular needs of each individual industry.

In his keynote Towards Industrial Machine Intelligence at INFORMATIK2016  Michael May from Siemens Corporate Technology Munich will give insights into Siemens’ journey towards the Industrial Internet, highlight early successes, products and prototypes and point out future challenges on the way towards machine intelligence. The keynote is organized in cooperation with KI2016 at September, 29 2016 at the Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt/Austria.