Heinrich C. Mayr
AE Research
Application Engineering2025
- Mayr, H.C.; Thalheim, B.: Fundamentals of Conceptual Modeling. Report on a “Mini-Dagstuhl Seminar” at CBI 2024, Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing, LNBIP Vol. 537, Springer 2025, pp. 301-324.
- Liddle, S.; Mayr, H.C.; Pastor, O.; Storey, V. Thalheim; B.: An LLM Assistant for Characterizing Conceptual Modeling Research Contributions. In: Advances in Conceptual Modeling, LNCS 14932, Springer Nature Switzerland, 2024, pp 325-342.
- Panach, J.,I.; Pastor, O.; Liddle, S.; Storey, V.; Mayr, H.C.; Thalheim, B: Evaluating a Framework of Conceptual Modelling Research. In: Advances in Conceptual Modeling, LNCS 14932, Springer Nature Switzerland, 2024, pp 209-218 .
- Mayr, H.C.; Thalheim, B.: The Triptych Paradigm Revisited. Proc. Modellierung 2024, Lecture Notes in Informatics P-348, 2024
- Paczona, M.; Mayr, H.C.; Prochart, G.: Domain-Specific Conceptual Modeling. Proc. EMISA 2024, Lecture Notes in Informatics P-349, 2024
- Mayr, H.C.; Thalheim, B.: Conceptual Modeling: A Still Unfinished Saga. About Prejudices, Aberrations, Solutions and Challenges. In (Strecker, S.; Jung, J. eds.): Informing Possible Future Worlds. Logos Berlin , 2024. ISBN 978-3-8325-5768-3, DOI 10.30819/5768. paper, book
- Paczona, M.; Mayr, H.C.; Prochart, G.: Increase Development Productivity by Domain-Specific Conceptual Modeling. Data & Knowledge Engineering, Elsevier, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.datak.2023.102263, December 2023 (and Vol 150, March 2024).
- Antoniou, G.; Ermolayev, V.; Kobets, V.; Liubchenko, V.; Mayr, H.C.; Spivakovsky, A.; Yakovyna, V.; Zholtkevych (eds.): Information and Communication Technologies in Education, Research, and Industrial Applications. Communications in Computer and Information Science CCIS, Vol 1980, Springer Cham, Dez. 2023, https://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-3-031-48325-7.
- Mayr, H.C.; Thalheim, B.: Editorial: Model-Centered Software and System Development. Front. Comput. Sci. Sec. Software, Volume 5 – 2023 | doi: 10.3389/fcomp.2023.1326413.
- Ermolayev, V.; Liddle, S.W.; Mayr, H.C.; Métais, E.; Ralyté, J. (eds.): “Models and Methods in ICT for Research and Applications”. Topical collection in Springer Nature Computer Science SNCS 3/4, 2022/2023.
- Michael, J.; Bork, D.; Wimmer, M.; Mayr, H.C.: Quo Vadis modeling? Findings of a community survey, an ad-hoc bibliometric analysis, and expert interviews on data, process, and software modeling. International Journal on Software and Systems Modeling (SoSyM), Springer, October 2023, https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10270-023-01128-y.
- Čok, L.; Sadlek, G.; Campanella, L.; Christodoulou, G. N.; Gricar, J.; Le Navenec, C-L; Mayr, H. C.: Ethical and legal aspects related to the contributions of emeriti professors to the public good. In (De Santo, N. ed.) The Capital of Knowledge of Emeriti in Action. Society for the Propagation of Useful Books, Athens, 2023, ISBN 978-618-5683-14-6. https://europemeriti.org/publications/THE-CAPITAL-OF-KNOWLEDGE%20OF%20EMERITI%20IN%20ACTION__NAPLES_%20APRIL%202022.pdf
- Mayr, H.C.; Shekhovtsov, V.: Business Technologies – A Modeling Centered, Application Oriented Course. In (J. Michael, J. Pfeiffer, A. Wortmann eds.): Modellierung 2022 Satellite Events, Digital Library, Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V., pp. 190-196.
- Mayr, H.C.; Thalheim, B.: The Anatomy of Conceptual Models. In: Advanced Information Systems Engineering, Proc. CAiSE 2022, pp 551-553.
- Elkobaisi, M.R.; Al Machot, F.; Mayr, H.C.: Human Emotion: A Survey focusing on Languages, Ontologies, Datasets, and Systems. SN Computer Science (2022) 3:282, https://doi.org/10.1007/s42979-022-01116-x.
- Laue, R.; Mayr, H.C.; Thalheim, B.: 100 Years of Graphical Business Process Modelling. Guest Editorial, Int. Journal of Conceptual Modeling EMISAJ, Vol 17, 2020, pp 1-5, https://doi.org/10.18417/emisa.17.3.
- Ermolayev, V.; Esteban, D.; Mayr, H.C.; Nikitchenko, M.; Bogomolov, S.; Zholtkevych, G.; Yakovyna, V., Spivakovsky, A.: ICT in Education, Research and Industrial Applications. Integration, Harmonization and Knowledge Transfer. Proc. ICTERI 2021, CEUR Workshop Proceedings, October 2021.
- Bollin, A.; Mayr, H.C.; Nikitchenko, M.; Spivakovsky, A.; Tkachuk, M.; Yakovyna, V.; Zholtkevych, G. (Eds.): Information and Communication Technologies in Education, Research, and Industrial Applications. Revised selected papers ICTERI 2020, Springer CCIS Vol 1308, 2021.
- Mayr, H.C.; Thalheim, B.: The triptych of conceptual modeling: A framework for a better understanding of conceptual modeling. International Journal on Software and Systems Modeling (SoSyM), Springer, November 2020.
- Dobbie, G.; Frank, U.; Kappel, G.; Liddle, S.W.; Mayr, H.C. (Eds.): Conceptual Modeling. Conceptual Modeling. Proc. 39th International Conference, ER 2020, Springer LNCS 12400, 2020.
- Elkobaisi, M.R.; Mayr, H.C., Shekhovtsov, V.: Conceptual Human Emotion Modeling. In: Advances in Conceptual Modeling, ER Workshops 2020, Springer LNCS 12584, 2020.
- Bollin, A.; Mayr, H.C.; Spivakovsky, A.; Tkachuk, M.; Yakovyna, V.; Yerokhin, A.; Zholtkevych, G. (Eds.): Information and Communication Technologies in Education, Research, and Industrial Applications. Proc. 16th International Conference, ICTERI 2020, CEUR Workshop Proceedings, October 2020.
- Mayr, H.C. (ed.): Sonderheft 50 Jahre Informatik. Informatik Spektrum Vol. 43 (4), Springer Verlag 2020.
- Paczona, M.; Mayr, H.C.; Prochart, G.: Model-based Testbed Design for Electric Vehicles. In Lecture Notes in Informatics (LNI), Vol. P-304, 2020, pp. 45-58.
- Mayr, H.C.; Rinderle-Ma, St.; Strecker, St.: 40 Years EMISA – Digital Ecosystems of the Future: Methodology, Techniques and Applications. Proc. 40th Conf. of the GI SIG EMISA, Tutzing 2019, LNI P-304.
- Paczona, M.; Mayr, H.C.; Prochart, G.: Model-Based Generation of Software Configurations in Mechatronic Systems. In: Modellierung 2020, LNI P-302, pp. 29-44.
- Bork, D.; Karagiannis, D.; Mayr, H.C.: Modellierung 2020. Lecture Notes in Informatics, LNI P-302.
- Ermolayev, V.; Mallet, F.; Yakovyna, V.; Mayr, H.C.; Spivakovsky, A. (eds.): Information and Communication Technologies in Education, Research, and Industrial Applications. 15th International Conference, ICTERI 2019. Revised Selected Papers, Springer CCIS .
- Mayr, H.C.; Ram, S.; Reisig, W. Stumptner, M.: Next Generation Domain Specific Conceptual Modeling: Principles and Methods. Dagstuhl Seminar Report, https://drops.dagstuhl.de/opus/volltexte/2019/10356/.
- Ermolayev, V.; Mallet, F.; Yakovyna, V.; Mayr, H.C.; Spivakovsky, A. (eds.): Information and Communication Technologies in Education, Research, and Industrial Applications. Proc. 15th International Conference, ICTERI 2019, CEUR Workshop Proceedings, Vol-2387.
- Paczona, M.; Mayr, H.C.: Model-Driven Mechatronic System Development. In: Proc. 15th IEEE International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering, CASE 2019, Vancouver, BC, Canada, ISBN 978-1-7281-0356-3.
- Paczona, M.; Mayr, H.C., Prochart, G.: Model-based Testbed Design for Electric Vehicles: In: Proc. EMISA 2019, Lecture Notes in Informatics, LNI 2019.
- Ermolayev, V.; Suárez-Figueroa, M.C.; Yakovyna, V.; Mayr, H.C.; Nikitchenko, M.; Spivakovsky, A. (eds.): Information and Communication Technologies in Education, Research, and Industrial Applications. 14th International Conference, ICTERI 2018. Revised Selected Papers, Springer CCIS Vol 1007.
- Ströckl, D.E.; Mayr, H.C.: MCA Driven Interaction Interfacing. In (W.Karwowski and T.Ahram eds.): IHSI 2019, pp. 1-7, SpringerNatureSwitzerlandAG2019; https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-11051-2_80 2018.
- Machado Lunardi, G.; Al Machot, F.; Shekhovtsov, V.A.; Maran, V., Medeiros Machado, G.; Machado, A.; Mayr, H.C.; de Oliveira, J.P.: IoT-based Human Action Prediction and Support. Internet of Things, Vol 3-4, 2018, Elsevier B.V., pp 52-68.
- Shekhovtsov, V.; Ranasinghe, S.; Mayr, H.C.; Michael, J.: Domain Specific Models as System Links. In (Woo, C. et al. Eds.) Advances in Conceptual Modeling, LNCS 11158,Springer Int., 2018.
- Mayr, H.C.; Michael, J.; Shekhovtsov, V.; Ranasinghe, S.; Steinberger, C.: A Model Centered Perspective on Software-Intensive Systems. Proc. 9th Int. Workshop on Enterprise Modeling and Information Systems Architectures, Rostock Germany, CEUR-WS.org Vol 2097, May 2018, pp 58-64.
- Ermolayev, V.; Suárez-Figueroa, M.C.; Ławrynowicz, A.; Palma, R. Yakovyna, V.; Mayr, H.C.; Nikitchenko, M.; Spivakovsky, A.: Proc. 14th Int. Conf. on ICT in Education, Research and Industrial Applications. Integration, Harmonization and Knowledge Transfer. CEUR-WS.org Vol. 2105, 2018.
- Machado Lunardi, G., Medeiros Machado, G., Al Machot, F., Maran, V., Machado, A.; Mayr, H.C.; Shekhovtsov, V.A., and de Oliveira, J.P.: Probabilistic Ontology Reasoning in Ambient Assistance: Predicting Human Actions. Proc. IEEE-AINA: The 32nd IEEE International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications, Krakov, May 2018.
- Nick Bassiliades, N.; Ermolayev, V.; Fill, H.-G.; Yakovyna, V.; Mayr, H.C.;Nikitchenko, M.; Zholtkevych, G.; Spivakovsky, A. (Eds.): Information and Communication Technologies in Education, Research, and Industrial Applications. 13th International Conference, ICTERI 2017, Kyiv, Ukraine, Springer CCIS, Vol. 826, 2018.
- Al Machot, A.; Mayr, H.C.; Ranasinghe, S.: A Hybrid Reasoning Approach for Activity Recognition Based on Answer Set Programming and Dempster–Shafer Theory. In: K. Kyamakya et al. (eds.) Recent Advances in Nonlinear Dynamics and Synchronization, pp.303-318, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-58996-1_14.
- Mayr, H.C. et al.: Model Centered Architecture. In Cabot, J. et als (eds.): Conceptual Modeling Perspectives. Springer Nature, 2017.
- Mayr, H.C.; Guizzardi, G.; Ma, H. : Conceptual Modeling. Proc. 36th Int. Conference. Springer LNCS Vol 10650, 2017.
- Ginige, A.; Mayr, H.C.; Plexousakis, D.: Information and Communication Technologies in Education, Research, and in Industrial Applications. CCIS 783, Springer Nature, 2017.
- Mayr, Heinrich C.: Domain Specific Conceptual Model Engineering. Abstract in: Jens Gulden, J. et al. (eds.): Joint Proceedings of the 18th Int.Working Conf.on Business Process Modeling, Development and Support (BPMDS), and the 22nd Int. Working Conf. on Evaluation and Modeling Methods for Systems Analysis and Development (EMMSAD), CEUR Workshop Proceedings Vol. 1859, 2017.
- Ermolayev, V.; Bassialides, N.; Fill, H.-G.; Yakovyna, V.; Mayr, H.C. et al: ICT in Education, Research and Industrial Applications. Integration, Harmonization and Knowledge Transfer. CEUR Workshop Proceedings Vol. 1844, 13th International Conference , Kyiv, Ukraine, 2017.
- Michael, J.; Mayr, H.C.: Intuitive understanding of a modeling language. In: Proc. 13th Asia-Pacific Conference on Conceptual Modelling ACSW ’17, January 2017, Geelong, Australia; ACM, New York, NY, USA, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1145/3014812.3014849.
- Michael, J.; Mayr, H.C.: Creating a Domain Specific Modelling Method for Ambient Assistance (Extended Abstract). EMISA Forum 26, Heft 2, 2016, pp. 25-28. ISSN 1610-3351
- Strell, S.; Shekhovtsov, V.A.; Mayr, H.C.: Beurteilung von Menschen Software Qualität stärken durch Ontologien und Wiederverwendung von Wissen. In: Informatik: von für Menschen. Lecture Notes in Informatics, Volume P-259, Köllen-Verlag, 2016.
- Shekhovtsov, V.A; Mayr, H.C.: View Harmonization in Software Processes: from the Idea to QuASE. In: Informatik: von Menschen für Menschen. Lecture Notes in Informatics, Volume P-259, Köllen-Verlag, 2016.
- Ranasinghe, S.; Al Machot, F.; Mayr, H.C.: A Review on Applications of Activity Recognition Systems with Regard to Performance and Evaluation. Int. Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks 12 (8), pp. 1-22, 2016.
- Mayr, H.C.; Pinzger M. (eds.): Informatik: von Menschen für Menschen. Lecture Notes in Informatics, Köllen-Verlag, 2016.
- Al Machot, F.; Mayr, H.C., Ranasinghe, S.: A Windowing Approach for Activity Recognition in Sensor Data Streams. In: Proc. 8th IEEE Int. Conf. On Ubiquitous and Future Networks, Vienna July 2016.
- Ermolayev, V.; Spivakovsky, A; Nikitchenko, M.; Ginige, A.; Mayr, H.C. et al.: Information and Communication Technologies in Education, Research and Industrial Applications. 12th Int. Conf. ICTERI 2016, CEUR Proceedings, Vol 1614.
- Al Machot, A.; Mayr, H.C.: Improving Human Activity Recognition by Smart Windowing and Spatio-Temporal Feature Analysis. In: Proc. 9th Int. Conf. on Pervasive Technologies Related to Assistive Environments PETRA 2016, ACM Digital Library Proceedings, 2016.
- Mayr, H.C. et.al.: HCM-L: Domain Specific Modeling for Active and Assisted Living. In: Domain-Specific Conceptual Modeling – Concepts, Methods and Tools. Springer, 2016.
- Karagiannis, D., Mayr, H.C., Mylopoulos, J. (eds.): Domain-Specific Conceptual Modeling – Concepts, Methods and Tools. Springer, 2016.
- Yakovyna, V.; Mayr, H.C., Nikitchenko, M.; Zholtkevych, G.; Spivakovsky, A.; Batsakis, S. (eds.): Information and Communication Technologies in Education, Research, and Industrial Applications. Revised Selected Papers Int. Conf. ICTERI 2015, Lviv, Ukraine, Springer CCIS, Vol. 594, 2016.
- Michael, J.; Mayr, H.C.: Creating a Domain Specific Modelling Method for Ambient Assistance. In: Proc. Int. Conf. on Advances in ICT for Emerging Regions ICTer2015, Colombo, August 2015.
- Michael, J.; Al Machot, F.; Mayr, H.C.: ADOxx based Tool Support for a Behavior Centered Modeling Approach. In: Proc. 8th Int. Conf. on Pervasive Technologies Related to Assistive Environments PETRA 2015, ACM Digital Library Proceedings, 2015.
- Shekhovtsov, V.A., Mayr, H.C., Ianushkevych, S., Kucko, M., Lubenskyi, V., Strell, S.: Implementing tool support for effective stakeholder communication in software development – a project report. In: Ausgewählte Beiträge zur Anwenderkonferenz für Softwarequalität Test und Innovation – ASQT 2014. books@ocg.at, Vol. 310, pp. 45-58. Österreichische Computer Gesellschaft, Wien (2015).
- Batsakis, S.; Mayr, H.C.; Yakovyna, V.; Nikitchenko, M. et. al.: Information and Communication Technologies in Education, Research and Industrial Applications. 11th Int. Conf. ICTERI 2016, CEUR Proceedings, Vol 1356.
- Shekhovtsov, V.A., Mayr, H.C., Kucko, M.: Implementing tool support for analyzing stakeholder communications in software development. Proc. at IEEE Eighth Int. Conf. on Software Testing, Verification and Validation Workshops ICSTW 2015, pp. 1-10.
- Shekhovtsov, V.; Mayr, H.C.; Lubenskyi, V.: QuASE: A Tool Supported Approach to Facilitating Quality-Related Communication in Software Development. In: da Silva, A.R. et al. (eds.): QUATIC’2014, IEEE Press, 2014, pp. 162-165.
- Shekhovtsov, V.A.; Mayr, H.C., Kop, Ch.: Facilitating Effective Stakeholder Communication in Software Development Processes. In: Information Systems Engineering in Complex Environments. Springer Int. Publishing 2015, LNBIP, Vol. 204, pp. 116-132.
- Ermolayev V.; Mayr H.C., Nikitchenko M., Spivakovsky A., Zholtkevych G. (eds.): Information and Communication Technologies in Education, Research and Industrial Applications. 9th International Conference, ICTERI 2014, Revised Selected Papers, CCIS Vol. 469, Springer, 2014.
- Michael, J.; Al Machot, F.; Mayr, H.C.: A Behavior Centered Modeling Tool Based on ADOxx. In: CAISE 2014 CEUR Workshop Proceedings Vol. 1164, Springer-Verlag, 2014, pp. 153-160.
- Shekhovtsov, V.A.; Mayr, H.C.: Managing Quality Related Information in Software Processes. In: CAISE 2014 CEUR Workshop Proceedings Vol. 1164, Springer-Verlag, 2014, pp. 73-80.
- Al Machot, F.; Mayr, H.C.; Michael, J.: Behavior Modeling and Reasoning for Ambient Support: HCM-L Modeler. In: Modern Advances in Applied Intelligence; Proc. 27th Int. Conf. on Industrial, Engineering and Other Applications of Applied Intelligent Systems. Springer LNAI Vol. 8482, 2014, pp. 388-397.
- Shekhovtsov, V.A.; Mayr, H.C.; Kop, Ch.: Harmonizing the Quality View of Stakeholders. Book Chapter in: Relating System Quality and Software Architecture. Morgan Kaufmann by Elsevier Inc., 2014, pp 41-73.
- Shekhovtsov, V.A.; Mayr, H.C.: Supporting Understandability Management for Quality-Related Information in the Software Process Based on Modular Ontology In: Murgante, B. et al. (eds.): Computational Science and Its Applications – ICCSA 2014. Springer LNCS 8583, 2014, pp 572-585
- Shekhovtsov, V.A.; Mayr, H.C.: Towards Intelligent Handling of Quality Related Issues in Software Development – A Project Report. In: Ausgewählte Beiträge zur Anwenderkonferenz für Softwarequalität Test und Innovation – ASQT 2012, pp. 113-129. Österreichische Computer Gesellschaft, Wien, 2013.
- Shekhovtsov, V.A.; Mayr, H.C.; Kop, K.: Towards Conceptualizing Quality-Related Stakeholder Interactions in Software Development. In: Information Systems: Methods, Models, and Applications, LNBIP 137, pp. 73-86. Springer, Berlin-Heidelberg, 2013.
- Ermolayev V.; Mayr H.C., Nikitchenko M., Spivakovsky A., Zholtkevych G. (eds.): Information and Communication Technologies in Education, Research and Industrial Applications. 9th International Conference, ICTERI 2013, Revised Selected Papers, CCIS Vol. 412, Springer, 2013.
- Ermolayev V.; Mayr H.C., Nikitchenko M. et al: Information and Communication Technologies in Education, Research and Industrial Applications. 9th Int. Conf. ICTERI 2013, CEUR Proceedings, Vol 1000.
- Michael, J.; Mayr, H.C.: Conceptual Modeling for Ambient Assistance. In: Proc. Int. Conf. on Conceptual Modeling, ER 2013, Springer LNCS 8217, 2013, pp 403-413.
- Mayr, H.C.; Kop Ch.; Liddle, S.; Ginige, A. (eds.): Information Systems: Methods, Models, and Applications. Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing, Springer, 2013.
- Mayr, H.C.; Michael, J.: Control Pattern Based Analysis of HCM-L, a Language for Cognitive Modeling. In Proc. Int. Conference on Advances in ICT for Emerging Regions, Colombo, 2012.
- Ermolayev V.; Mayr H.C., Nikitchenko M., Spivakovsky A., Zholtkevych G., Zavileysky M., Kobets, V. (eds.): ICT in Education, Research and Industrial Applications: Integration, Harmonization and Knowledge Transfer. Proc. 8-th Int. Conf. ICTERI 2012, Kherson, Ukraine, CEUR-WS.org/Vol-848, 2012
- Shekhovtsov, V.A.; Mayr, H.C.; Kop, Ch.: Stakeholder Involvement into Quality Definition and Evaluation for Service Oriented Systems. In: Proc. USER’12 Workshop at ICSE’12. IEEE Press 2012, pp 49-52.
- Shekhovtsov, V.A.; Mayr, H.C.: Let Stakeholders Define Quality: A Model-Based Approach. In: Proc. 19. Workshop der Fachgruppe Vorgehensmodelle im Fachbereich Wirtschaftsinformatik der GI 2012, Shaker-Verlag, pp 101-110.
- Shekhovtsov, V.A.; Mayr H.C., Kop C.: Acquiring Empirical Knowledge to Support Intelligent Analysis of Quality-Related Issues in Software Development. In: Proc. QUATIC’12. IEEE 2012.
- Michael, J.; Grießer, A.; Strobl, T., Mayr, H.C.: Cognitive Modeling and Support for Ambient Assistance. In: Proc. UNISCON 2012, Int. United Information Systems Conference, Yalta, Ukraine, Springer LNBIP 137, 2012.
- Shekhovtsov, V.A.; Mayr, H.C.; Kop, Ch.: Towards Conceptualizing Quality-Related Stakeholder Interactions in Software Development. In: Proc. UNISCON 2012, Int. United Information Systems Conference, Yalta, Ukraine, Springer LNBIP 137, 2012.
- Michael, J.; Bolshutkin, V.; Leitner, St.; Mayr, H.C. (2012): Behavior Modeling for Ambient Assistance. In Proc. Int. Conference on Management and Service Science MASS 2012, Shanghai.
- Kop, Ch.; Mayr, H.C.: Templates in Domain Modeling – A Survey. In: (Kaschek, R., Delcambre, L. eds): The Evolution of Conceptual Modeling – From a Historical Perspective towards the Future of Conceptual Modeling. Springer 2011.
- Ermolayev, V.; Mayr, H.C.; Nikitchenko, M; Spivakovsky, A.; Zavileysky, M.; Zholtkevyc, G.: ICT in Education, Research and Industrial Applications: Integration, Harmonization and Knowledge Transfer, CEUR-WS, 2011.
- Shekhovtsov, V.A.; Kaschek, R.; Kop, Ch.; Mayr, H.C.: Relational Service Quality Modeling. Book chapter in: Non-Functional Properties in Service Oriented Architecture: Requirements, Models and Methods, Information Science Reference (Hershey, New York), 2011, pp. 172-193.
- Michael, J.; Mayr, H.C.: Behavior Model Mapping. Proc. 3rd International Workshop on Model-Driven Architecture and Modeling-Driven Software Development – MDA & MDSD, Beijing 2011.
- Kop, Ch.; Mayr, H.C.: From Natural Language Requirements to a Conceptual Model. In: 55th Internationales Kolloquium Workshops: DERIS 2010 and EMDT 2010, CEUR-WS Workshop Proceedings. Aachen: http://ceur-ws.org, September 2010 (646), pp. 67 – 73.
- Engels, G.; Karagiannis, D.; Mayr, H.C. (eds.): Modellierung 2010. Lecture Notes in Informatics, P-161, Köllen-Verlag, 2010.
- Kop, Ch.; Gälle, D.; Mayr, H.C.: Finding Appropriate Web Service Categorizations. In: Information Systems Development: Towards a Service Provision Society. Berlin, Heidelberg, New York: Springer Verlag GmbH, 2009.
- Yang, J.; Ginige, A.; Mayr, H.C.: Information Systems: Modeling, Development and Integration. Proc. 3rd Int. United Information Systems Conference (Uniscon 2009), Sydney. LNBIP Springer-Verlag.
- Shekhovtsov, V.A.; Kop, Ch.; Mayr, H.C.: Capturing the Semantics of Quality Requirements into an Intermediate Predesign Model. In: Proc Sigsand-Europe 2008, Lecture Notes in Informatics, P-129, pp. 25-37.
- Scholz, J.; Bartelme, N.; Fliedl, G.; Hassler, M.; Mayr, H.C.; Nickel, J.; Vöhringer, J.; Wandl-Vogt, E.: Mapping Languages – Erfahrungen aus dem Projekt dbo@ema. In: Angewandte Geoinformatik 2008 – Beiträge zum 20. AGIT-Symposium. Heidelberg: Verlagsgruppe Hüthig Jehle Rehm GmbH – Herbert Wichmann Verlag, 2008, 6 pp.
- Kaschek, R.; Kop, Ch.; Shekhovtsov, V.A.; Mayr, H.C.: Towards Simulation-Based Quality Requirements Elicitation: A Position Paper. In: Requirements Engineering: Foundation for Software Quality, 14th International Working Conference, REFSQ 2008. Berlin, Heidelberg, New York: Springer Verlag GmbH, 2008 (Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), 5025), pp. 135-140.
- Gälle, D.; Kop, Ch.; Mayr, H.C.: A Uniform Web Service Description Representation for Different Readers. In: The Second International Conference on the Digital Society (ICDS 2008). New York (NY): IEEE, Februar 2008, pp. 123-128.
- Hesse, W.; Mayr, H.C.: Modellierung in der Softwaretechnik: eine Bestandsaufnahme. In: Informatik Spektrum, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York: Springer Verlag GmbH, Vol. 31 / 2008 (2008), No. 5, pp. 377-393.
- Anzelak, M.; Frankl, G.; Mayr, H.C.: Knowledge Management for Production. In: Encyclopedia of Information Science and Technology. Hershey (PA): IGI Global / IGI Publishing (IGIP), 2008.
- Gälle, D.; Kop, Ch.; Mayr, H.C.: A Uniform Web Service Description Representation for Different Readers. In: The Second International Conference on the Digital Society (ICDS 2008). New York (NY): IEEE, Februar 2008, pp. 123-128.
- Kop, Ch.; Mayr, H.C.; Yevdoshenko, N.: Requirements Modeling and MDA, Proposal for a Combined Approach. Proc ISD 2006, Budapest, Springer LNCS, 2007, pp. 191-202.
- Mayr, H.C.; Kop, Ch.; Esberger, D.: Business Process Modeling and Requirements Modeling. In Proc. 1st Int. Workshop on Information and Knowledge Management, EKNOW 2007, Guadeloupe, Januar 2007.
- Mayr, H.C., Karagiannis, D. (Eds.): Information Systems Technology and its Applications. Proc. 6th Int. Conference ISTA‘2007, Kharkiv Ukraine, Mai 2007. Lecture Notes in Informatics, LNI P-107.
- Abramowicz, W.; Mayr, H.C. (eds.): Business Information Systems, Springer Verlag, 2007.
- Liang, X.; Kop, Ch.; Ginige, A.; Mayr, H.C.: Turning Concepts into Reality – Bridging Requirements Engineering and Model-Driven Generation of Web Applications. In: Proc. 2nd Conference on Software and Data Technologies, Barcelona, Juli 2007, pp. 109-115.
- Bachmann, A.; Hesse, W.; Kop, Ch.; Mayr, H.C.; Russ, A.; Vöhringer, J.: OBSE – an Approach to Ontology-based Software Engineering in the Practice. Lecture Notes in Informatics, LNI-119, October 2007, pp. 129-142.
- Fliedl, G.; Kop, Ch.; Mayr, H.C.; Salbrechter, A.; Vöhringer, J.; Weber, G.; Winkler, Ch.: Deriving Static and Dynamic Concepts from Software Requirements using Sophisticated Tagging. In: Data and Knowledge Engineering, Amsterdam: Elsevier B.V, Vol. 61 (2007), No. 3, pp. 433 – 448.
- Mayr, H.C.; Breu, R. (eds.): Modellierung 2006. Lecture Notes in Informatics (LNI), Köllen-Verlag, März 2006.
- Fliedl, G.; Kop, Ch.; Mayr, H.C.; Vöhringer, J.; Weber, G.; Winkler, Ch.: Extended Tagging in Requirements Engineering. In: A. Gelbukh (Eds.), Advances in Natural Language Processing, Instituto Politecnico Nacional, Mexiko, S. 49-56.
- Kop, Ch.; Fliedl, G.; Mayr, H.C.; Metais, E. (eds.): Natural Language Processing and Information Systems. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, LNCS 3999, Mai 2006.
- Abramowicz, W.; Mayr, H.C. (eds.): Business Information Systems. Lecture Notes in Informatics (LNI), Köllen-Verlag, Mai 2006.
- Karagiannis, D., Mayr, H.C.: Information Systems Technology and its Applications. Lecture Notes in Informatics (LNI), Köllen-Verlag, 2006.
- Komposch, P.; Uckermann, G.; Semmelrock-Picej, M.Th.; Mayr, H.C.: Unterstützung des Innovationsprozesses durch ein wissensorientiertes Risikomanagementsystem bei Infineon Technologies Austria AG, Know-Tech 06, München, 2006
- Kaschek, R.; Mayr, H.C.; Kienzl, K.: Using metaphors for the pragmatic construction of discourse domains. In: Knowledge Media Technologies – first international core-to-core work-shop. Technical Report TU Ilmenau, vol. 21, 2006, pp 88-103.
- Song, I.-Y.; Bertolotto, M.; Comyn-Wattiau, I.; van den Heuvel, W.-J.; Kolp, M.; Trujillo, Ch.; Kop, Ch.; Mayr, H.C.: (eds.): Perspectives in Conceptual Modeling. LNCS 3770, Springer 2005.
- Delcambre. L.; Kop, Ch.; Mayr, H.C.; Mylopoulos, J.; Pastor, O. (eds.): Conceptual Modeling – ER 2005. LNCS 3716, Springer 2005.
- Vöhringer, J.; Mayr, H.C.: Integration of schemas on the pre-conceptual level using the KCPM-approach. In Proc. 16th Int. Conference on Informations Systemes Development ISD2005, LNCS Springer 2005
- Kop, Ch.; Fliedl, G.; Mayr, H.C.; Hölbling, M.; Horn, Th.: Extended Tagging as a Source for Mapping Requirements Texts to Conceptual Models. In Proc. 10th Int. Conf. on Natural Language Applications for Information Systems NLDB2005, Alicante, LNCS Springer 2005.
- Semmelrock-Picej, M.Th.; Semmelrock, H.; Mayr, H.C.: The Role of Knowledge Oriented Systems for Open Innovation. In Proc. International Mass Customization Meeting 2005 (IMCM’05): Concepts – Tools – Realization, Klagenfurt/Austria, 2005.
- Kaschek, R.K.; Liddle, S.; Mayr, H.C.(eds.): Proc. 4th Int. Conf. on Information Systems Technology and its Applications ISTA2005; Palmerston North, New Zealand, Lecture Notes in Informatics, 2005.
- Kop, Ch.; Vöhringer, J.; Hölbling, M.; Horn, Th.; Irrasch, Ch.; Mayr, H.C.: Tool Supported Extraction of Behavior Models. In (Kaschek, R.K. et al. Eds.): Proc. 4th Int. Conf. on Information Systems Technology and its Applications ISTA2005; Palmerston North, New Zealand, Lecture Notes in Informatics, 2005.
- Dorling, A.; Mayr, H.C.; Rout, T. (eds.): Proc. 5th Int. Conference on Software Process Improvement and Capability Determination SPiCE2005, Klagenfurt; book@ocg, 2005.
- Fliedl, G.; Kop, Ch.; Mayr, H.C.: From Textual Scenarios to a Conceptual Schema. Data & Knowledge Engineering 55 (2005), Elsevier, pp. 20-37.
- Wang, S.; Zhou, Sh.; Mayr, H. C.; et al. (Eds.); Conceptual Modeling for Advanced Application Domains. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Volume 3289, Springer 2004.
- Semmelrock-Picej, M. Th.; Semmelrock, H.; Mayr, H. C.: Wissensorientiertes Störungsmanagement zur Unterstützung von Prozessinnovationen. In: Proc. 6. Konferenz zum Einsatz von Wissens-management in Wirtschaft und Verwaltung, München, 2004.
- Kop, Ch.; Mayr, H.C.; Zavinska, T.: Using KCPM for Defining and Integrating Domain Ontologies. In Proc. Int. Workshop on Fragmentation versus Integration – Perspectives of the Web Information Systems Discipline, Brisbane Australia, LNCS, Springer 2004.
- Salbrechter, A.; Mayr, H.C.; Kop, Ch.: Mapping Pre-designed Business Process Models to UML. In Proc. 8th IASTED International Conference on Engineering and Applications (SEA 2004), MIT, Cambridge, MA, USA, 2004.
- Semmelrock, H.; Semmelrock-Picej, M. Th.; Mayr, H. C.: Unterstützung von Innovationen durch Wissensmanagement. In (Horster. , P. ed.): Elekronische Geschäftsprozesse. It-Verlag, 2004.
- Mayr, H.C.: Elektronische Geschäftsprozesse: Von der Idee zum Nutzen. In (Horster. , P. ed.): Elekronische Geschäftsprozesse. It-Verlag, 2004.
- Doroshenko, A.; Halpin, T.; Liddle, S.; Mayr, H.C. eds.: Information System Technology and its Applications. Lecture Notes in Informatics, LNI P48, GI Edition, 2004.
- Picej, V.; Grascher, R.; Steinberger, C.; Mayr, H.C; Semmelrock, M.Th.: Strengthening the Position of Peripheral regions by Implementing Digital Value Chains (DVC’s). IADIS Int. Conference e-Society, Avila, Spain, 2004.
- Tkachuk, M.; Sokol, V.; Mayr, H.C.; Godlevsky, M.: A Knowledge Based Approach to Traceability and Maintenance of Requirements for Information Systems. In Proc. 4th Int. Scientific and Practical Conference on Programming, Kyiv, Ukraine, 2004.
- Fliedl, G.; Kop, Ch.; Mayr, H.C.; Winkler, Ch.; Weber, G.; Salbrechter, A.: Semantic Tagging and Chunk-Parsing in Dynamic Modeling. Proc. 9th Int. Conference on Applications of Natural Language to Information Systems, Manchester, UK, 2004.
- Mayr, H.C.; Adam, M.: Increasing Software Process Capability in a Peripheral Region. Proc. 4th Int. SPiCE Conference on Process Assessment and Improvement, Lissabon, Portugal, 2004.
- Kop, Ch.; Mayr, H.C.: An Interlingua Based Approach to Derive State Charts From Natural Language Requirements Specifications. Proc. 7th IASTED International Conference on Software Engineering and Applications (SEA 2003), Marina del Rey, CA, 2003.
- Tkachuk, N.V.; Shekhovtsov, V.A.; Kuklenko, D.V.; Mayr, H.C.: An Approach to efficient Data Handling in Web-based Process Control Systems. Proc. Int. IASTED Conf. On Intelligent Systems and Control, Salzburg, 2003.
- Shchekotykhin, K.; Semmelrock, H.; Mayr, H.C.: Adding Collaboration to a Case-Based Helpdesk System. Proc. Int. IASTED Conf. On Intelligent Systems and Control, Salzburg, 2003.
- Godlevsky, M.D.; Liddle, St; Mayr, H.C. (eds.): Information Systems Technology and its Applications. Lecture Notes in Informatics P-30, GI-Edition, J2003.
- Fliedl, G.; Kop, Ch.; Mayr, H.C.: From Scenarios to KCPM Dynamic Schemas: Aspects of Automatic Mapping. In: Düsterhöft, A.; Thalheim, B. (eds.): “Natural Language Processing and Information Systems – NLDB’2003”. Lecture Notes in Informatics P-29, GI-Edition, 2003 pp. 91 – 105.
- Jarke, M.; Mayr, H.C.: Mediengestütztes Anforderungsmanagement. Informatik Spektrum Vol. 6/2002, Springer.
- Fliedl, G.; Kop, Ch.; Mayerthaler, W.; Mayr, H.C.; Winkler, Ch.: The NIBA workflow: From textual requirements specifications to UML-schemata. In: ICSSEA ‘2002 – Int. Conference “Software & Systems Engineering and their Applications”, Paris, 2002.
- Hiroshi, A.; Kambayashi, Y.; Kumar, V.; Mayr, H.C.; Hunt,I. (eds.): Conceptual Modeling for New Information Systems Technologies. ER 2001 Workshops. Yokohama, Nov. 2001, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, LNCS 2465, 2002.
- Kop, Ch.; Mayr, H.C.: Mapping Functional Requirements: From Natural Language to Conceptual Schemata. In Proc. 6th IASTED Int. Conference on Software Engineering and Applications (SEA 2002), Cambridge, USA, 2002.
- Mayr, H.C.; Tkachuk, M.V.; Godlevsky, M.D.; Kuklenko, D.V.: Web-based Process Control Systems: Architectural Patterns, Data Models, and Services. In Proc. 1st EurAsian Conference on Advances in Information and Communication Technology, LNCS Springer, 2002.
- Mayr, H.C.; Maas, J.: Perspektiven der Informatik. Informatik Spektrum Vol. 3/2002, Springer.
- Fliedl, G.; Kop, Ch.; Mayr, H.C.; Weber, G.: Linguistische Aspekte des Projekts NIBA. In: Proceedings Konvens 2002 – 6. Konferenz zur Verarbeitung natürlicher Sprache, Saarbrücken, 2002.
- Mayr, H.C.; Ye, V.; Sokol,V.; Tkachuk, M.V.: Reference Software Architectures in Web-based ECommerce Systems. In Proc. of the XII Int. Technical Science Seminar “Interpartner’2002, Cremia, Ukraine. Printed Scientific Works of NTU “KhPI”, 2002, Issue 1(5), pp. 199-205.
- Tkachuk, M. V.; Mayr, H.C.; Kuklenko, D.V.; Shchekotykhin, K.: Web-Based Information Systems for Technological Process Control: Architectural Framework and Software Solutions. In Proc. 3rd Int. Scientific and Practical Conference on Programming, Kyiv, Ukraine, 2002.
- Mayr, H.C.; Kop, Ch.: A User Centered Approach to Requirements Modeling. In: Proc. “Modellierung 2002”. Lecture Notes in Informatics P-12 (LNI), GI-Edition, 2002, pp.75-86.
- Steinberger, C.; Mayr, H.C.: Computergestütztes Mobiles Lernen. In: Geschäftsprozesse mit Mobile Computing – Konkrete Projekterfahrung, technische Unterstützung, kalkulierbarer Erfolg des Mobile Business, Vieweg Verlag, 2002.
- Mayr, H.C.; Maas, J.: Perspektiven der Informatik. In: Innovative Anwendungen in Kommunikationsnetzen. GI-Edition Lecture Notes in Informatics, 2001, pp. 11-25
- Appelrath, H.-J.; Beyer, R.; Marquardt, U.; Mayr, H.C.; Steinberger, C. (eds.): Unternehmen Hochschule. Lecture Notes in Informatics P-6, GI-Edition, Bonn, 2001.
- Mayr, H.C.; Lazansky, J.; Quirchmayr, G.; Vogel, P. (eds.): Database and Expert Systems Applications. LNCS 2113, Springer, 2001.
- Mayr, H.C.; Erkollar, A.: Simulationsgestützte Produktionsplanung in virtuellen Unternehmen. In: Innovatives Produktions- und Technologiemanagement, Springer, 2001.
- Mayr, H.C.; Semmelrock-Picej, M.Th.: University Enterprise Cooperation for Human Resource Development. In: Proc. Portland Int. Conference on Management of Engineering and Technology. IEEE 01CH37199, Portland, 2001.
- Kouloumdjian, J.; Mayr, H.C.; Erkollar, A. (eds.): Data and Document Reengineering for the Web. Proc. 7th Int. Conf. On Re-Technologies for Information Systems, ReTIS‘2001, books@ocg.at, Vienna, 2001.
- Fliedl, G.; Kop, Ch.; Mayerthaler, W.; Mayr, H.C.; Winkler, C.: The NIBA Approach to Quantity Settings and Conceptual Predesign. In: Applications of Natural Language to Information Systems. Lecture Notes in Informatics P-3, GI-Edition, Bonn, 2001.
- Godlevsky, M.D.; Mayr, H.C. (eds.): Information Systems Technology and its Applications. Lecture Notes in Informatics P-2, GI-Edition, Bonn, 2001.
- Liddle, S.W.; Mayr, H.C.; Thalheim, B. (eds): Conceptual Modeling for E-Business and the Web. Lecture Notes in Computer Science LNCS 1921 Springer Proc. ER’2000 Workshops, Salt Lake City, Utah, USA, 2000.
- Fliedl, G.; Kop, Ch.; Mayr, H.C.; Mayerthaler, W.; Winkler, C.: From Natural Language to Conceptual Predesign (Static and Dynamic Aspects of Language Engineering). ÖGAI Journal 20/1, 2000.
- Fliedl, G., Kop, Ch., Mayerthaler, W., Mayr, H.C., Winkler, C.: Guidelines for NL-based Requirements Specifications in NIBA. In: Proc. 5th Int. Conference on Applications of Natural Language to Information Systems (NLDB’2000), Versailles -France, 2000.
- Fliedl, G., Kop, Ch.; Mayr, H.C.; Mayerthaler, W.; Winkler, C.: Linguistic Aspects of Dynamics. In: 2nd Int. Workshop on Natural Language and Information Systems (NLIS’2000) Greenwhich – UK, 2000.
- Fliedl, G., Kop, Ch., Mayr, H.C., Mayerthaler, W., Winkler, C.: Linguistically based requirements engineering – The NIBA project. In: Data & Knowledge Engineering, Vol. 35, 2000, pp 111 – 120.
- Thoma, H.; Mayr, H.C.; Erkollar, A.: Preparing to e-Business. Proc. ReTIS‘2000, 6th Int. Conference on Re-Technologies for Information Systems: OCG Schriftenreihe Nr. 132, Zürich, 2000.
- Erkollar, A.; Mayr, H.C.: Simulation Aided Production Planning by Coupling a PPC-System and a Simulation Tool. In: Proc. SCI’2000 ISAS/IEEE Conference, Orlando, Florida, USA pp. 536-541.
- Mayr, H.C.; Hesse, W.; Oberweis, A.; Kop, Ch. (eds.): Software-Management. OCG-Schriftenreihe Band Nr. 149: books@ocg.at Proc. Fachtagung Software-Management 2000, Marburg/Lahn, Deutschland, 2000.
- Erkollar, A.; Mayr, H.C.: Supply Chain Management and Virtual Enterprises. In: Proc. INFORMSKORMS Seoul 2000 Conference on Information and Knowledge Management in the 21st Century, Seoul, Korea, 2000.
- Steinberger, C.; Mayr, H.C.; Marquardt,U.; Beyer, R., Appelrath, H.-J. (eds.): Unternehmen Hochschule. Workshop-Proceedings zur Informatik’2000, Berlin 19.-21. 2000.
- Mayr, H.C.; Steinberger, C.(eds.): Unternehmen Hochschule. Proc. GI-Workshop, Paderborn, 1999.
- Fliedl, G.; Kop, Ch.; Mayr, H.C.; Mayerthaler,W.; Winkler, C.: Enhancing Requirements Engineering by Natural Language Based Conceptual Predesign. In: Proc. SMC’99, Tokyo, 1999.
- Erkollar, A.; Mayr, H.C.: Simulation Based Analysis of Manufacturing Networks for Scheduling and Enterprise Resource Planning. In: Proc. IFORS’99, Bejing, 1999.
- Mayr, H.C.: Computer Aided Software Support Using Case Based Diagnosis. Proc. Automatics’99, Kharkiv, 1999.
- Erkollar, A.; Krug, W.; Mayr, H.C.: Production Planning in Virtual Enterprises Using the NETSIM approach. Proc. PICMET’99 Portland Int. Conference on Management of Engineering and Technology, 1999.
- Fliedl, G.; Mayr, H.C.(eds.): Applications of Natural Language to Information Systems. Proc. 4th Int. Conf. NLDB’99, Klagenfurt, 1999.
- Fliedl, G.; Kop, Ch.; Mayr, H.C.; Mayerthaler, W.; Winkler, C.: The NIBA project: linguistically based requirements engineering. In: Proc. NLDB’99, 4th Int. Conference on Applications of Natural Language to Information Systems, Klagenfurt, 1999.
- Erkollar, A.; Mayr, H.C.: Simulation Based Analysis of Manufacturing Networks – An Application Report. In: Proc. MS’99 IASTED Int. Conference on Modelling and Simulation, Philadelphia, 1999.
- Erkollar, A.; Mayr, H.C.: Simulation im Bereich der Produktionsplanung und –steuerung. e&i Vol 3/99, Springer, 1999, pp. 191-194.
- Erkollar, A.; Mayr, H.C.: The NETSIM Concept and its Application. In: Proc. ESS’98 Simulation Technology: Science and Art, Nottingham, SCS, 1998.
- Mayr, H.C.; Kop, Ch.: Requirements Engineering Using Conceptual Predesigned Model Glossaries. In Proc. PSQT’98 3rd Int. Conference on Practical Software Quality Techniques. St.Paul-Minneapolis, 1998.
- Mayr, H.C.; Urich, C.: Some Aspects of Software Production Management. In: (Rozman, I. ed.) Proc. IS’98 Int. Conference on the Development and Reengineering of Information Systems, Ljubljana, 1998.
- Mayr, H.C.: Information System Design Integration in a Virtual Enterprise Environment. In: Telecooperation – Proc. of the 15th IFIP World Computer Congress, Vienna and Budapest, OCG-Schriftenreihe, 1998.
- Fliedl, G.; Kop, Ch.; Mayr, H.C.; Mayerthaler, W.; Winkler, C.: Disambiguation of Part of Relationships within the NIBA Project. In: DEXA98 Workshop Proceedings, Vienna, 1998.
- Hesse, W.; Mayr, H.C.: Highlights of the SAMMOA Framework for Object Oriented Application Modeling. In: Proc. 9th Int. Conf. Workshop on Database and Expert Systems Applications DEXA 98, Vienna, LCNS 1460, Springer, 1998.
- Kaschek, R.; Mayr, H.C.: Characteristics of Object Oriented Modeling Methods. EMISA Forum 2/1998.
- Mayr, H.C.: Towards Business Process Modeling in KCPM. In (Desel, J. et al eds.): Petri Nets and Business Process Management. Dagstuhl-Seminar-Report 217, 1998.
- Kop, Ch.; Mayr, H.C.: Conceptual Predesign as a Stopover for Mapping Natural Language Requirements Sentences to State Chart Patterns. Extended Abstract. In: ECOOP’98, Workshop: Automating the Software Development Process, Brussels, 1998.
- Kop, Ch.; Mayr, H.C.: Conceptual Predesgin – Bridging the Gap between Requirements and Conceptual Design. In: Proceedings of the 3rd Int. Conference on Requirements Engineering (ICRE’98), Colorado Springs, 1998.
- Mayr, H.C.: Entwicklungsmethodologie für Informationssysteme: Wunsch und Wirklichkeit, in (Pohl, K; Schürr, A; Vossen, G. eds.): Proc. Modellierung’98. Univ. Münster, 1998.
- Erkollar, A.; Mayr, H.C.: Simulation Aided Network Analysis in Production Planning and Control. In: Proc. 1st World congress on System Simulation: Legacy for the 21st Century, WCSS97, Singapur, IEEE, SCS, 1997.
- Fliedl, G.; Kop, Ch.; Mayerthaler, W.; Mayr, H.C.; Winkler, C.: NTS based Derivation of KCPM perspective determiners. In: Proceedings of the 3rd Int. Workshop on Applications of Natural Language to Information Systems (NLDB’97), Vancouver, Canada, 1997.
- Györkös, J.; Krisper, M.; Mayr, H.C. (eds.): CASSAM – Computer Aided Software Support and Maintenance. Proc. ReTIS’97, 5th Int. Conf. on Re-Technologies for Information Systems, OCG Schriftenreihe Nr. 107, 1997.
- Erkollar, A.; Mayr, H.C.: Simulationsunterstützung bei der Verwendung von Netzplantechnik für die Produktionsplanung und -steuerung. In: Proc. Simulation als betriebliche Entscheidungshilfe: Neuere Werkzeuge und Anwendungen aus der Praxis, Universität Göttingen, Bamberg, 1997.
- Fliedl, G.; Kop, Ch.; Mayerthaler, W.; Mayr, H.C.; Winkler, C.: Das Projekt NIBA Zur automatischen Generierung von Vorentwurfsschemata für die Datenbankentwicklung, Papiere zur Linguistik Nr. 55 (Heft 2, 1996), Gunter Narr Verlag Tübingen, 1996.
- Mayr, H.C. (Eds.): Beherrschung von Informationssystemen. Proc. Informatik’96, Klagenfurt, R. Oldenbourg Verlag, 1996.
- Mayr, H.C. (Eds.): Informatik’96: Technische Beiträge und Praxisprogramm. Proceedings-Reihe der Informatik ´96, Band 0, Klagenfurt, 1996.
- Appelrath, H.-J.; Mayr, H.C.(Eds..): Unternehmen Hochschule. Proceedings – Reihe der Informatik ’96, Band 1, Klagenfurt, 1996.
- Fliedl, G.; Kop, Ch.; Mayerthaler, W.; Mayr, H.C.; Winkler, C.: Dinge und Zusammenhänge: NTS-gestützte Ableitung konzeptueller Vorentwurfschemaeinträge aus natürlichsprachlichen Anforderungsdefinitionen. In: Natürlichsprachlicher Entwurf von Informationssystemen – Grundlagen, Methoden, Werkzeuge, Anwendunge, Proc. GI-Workshop, Tutzing, 1996.
- Fliedl, G.; Kop, Ch.; Mayerthaler, W.; Mayr, H.C.; Winkler, C.: NTS-Based Derivation of KCPM Cardinalities: From Natural Language to Conceptual Predesign. In: Applications of Natural Language to Information Systems, Proc. of the Second Int. Workshop, Amsterdam, 1996.
- Hochmüller, E.; Kohl, C.; Mayr, H.C.; Mittermeir, R.T.: CASE-Tools – Perspektivenwandel am Weg vom Anfänger zum Experten, Informatik/Informatique, SI, Nr. 3, 1996.
- Kaschek, R.; Mayr, H.C.: A Characterization of OOA-Tools. In: Proc. of the 4th Int. Symposium on Assessment of Software Tools. IEEE Computer Society Press. Los Alamitos, California, M 1996.
- Kop, Ch.; Mayr, H.C.: Objektorientierte Analyse und konzeptueller Vorentwurf. In:. EMISA Forum Heft 1/96, Requirements Engineering für Informationssysteme – Karlsruhe, 1995.
- Mayr, H.C.; Urich, C.: A CIM based Approach to Software Project Management. In: Proc. 5th Int. Workshop on Experience with the Management of Software Projects, Karlsruhe, IFAC Publications, Pergamon Press, 1995.
- Mayr, H.C.: Conceptual Predesign: A Platform for The Reuse of Requirements Specifications. In: Proc. WISR’95 – Intern. Workshop on Software Reuse, St. Charles, Illinois, 1995.
- Mayr, H.C.: Software Qualität: Nur eine Frage des Software Engineering?. In: Qualitätsmanagement und Software, LIT-Verlag, Münster, 1995.
- Györkös, J.; Krisper, M.; Mayr, H.C.(eds.): ReTIS’95 – Re-Technologies for Information Systems, OCG Lecture Notes, Vol.80 (1995), R. Oldenbourg Verlag, Wien, München, 1995.
- Kaschek, R.; Kohl, C.; Mayr, H.C.: Cooperations – An Abstraction Concept suitable for Business Process Re-Engineering. In: ReTIS’95 – Re- Technologies for Information Systems, OCG Lecture Notes, Vol.80 (1995), R. Oldenbourg Verlag, Wien, München, 1995.
- Erkollar, A.; Mayr, H.C.: Fertigungssimulation in einem mittelständischen Betrieb. In: Seminarberichte IWB 4, TU München, Herbert Utz Verlag, Augsburg, 1995.
- Györkös, J.; Krisper, M.; Mayr, H.C. (eds.): Proc. of the 3rd Conference on Re-Engineering of Information Systems. Bled, 1994.
- Mayr, H.C.: Charakterisierende Objekte: Ein Modell für die Objektorientierte Analyse mit oder ohne Assoziationen. In Formale Grundlagen für den Entwurf von Informationssystemen, Informatik-Bericht, 3/94, Universität Hannover, 1994, pp 59-63.
- Bauer, M; Kohl, C.; Mayr, H.C.; Wasserman, J.: Enterprise Modeling Using OOA Techniques. Proc. Connectivity-94: Workflow Management – Challenges, Paradigms and Products, Oldenbourg Verlag, Wien, München, 1994, pp 96-111.
- Kop, Ch.; Mayr, H.C.: Reusing Domain Knowledge in Requirement Analysis. In Proc. of the 3rd Conference on Re-engineering, Reverse engineering and Reuse, Bled, 1994, pp 144-147.
- Mayr, H.C.; Wagner, R. (eds.): Objektorientierte Methoden für Informationssysteme. Springer Verlag, Berlin, 1993
- Györkös, J.; Krisper, M.; Mayr, H.C.; Stefancics (eds.): Proc. of the 2nd Conference on Re-Engineering of Information Systems, Bled, 1993, University of Maribor, 1993.
- Kaschek, R.; Kohl, C.; Mayr, H.C.: Grenzen objekt-orientierter Analysemethoden am Beispiel einer Fallstudie mit OMT. In Objektorientierte Methoden für Informationssysteme, Springer-Verlag. Berlin, 1993, pp 135-154.
- Mayr, H.C.; Schnattler, M.: Vorkonzeptuelle und konzeptuelle Dynamik-Modellierung. In Petri-Netze im Einsatz für Entwurf und Entwicklung von Informationssystemen. Informatik Fachbericht, Springer Verlag, 1993.
- Mayr, H.C.; Khouri, B.: CASSAM – An Approch to Computer Aided Software Support and Maintenance. In Proc. of the 2nd Conference on Re-Engineering of Information Systems, Bled, 1993, pp 33-48.
- Wagner, R.R.; Traunmüller, R.; Mayr, H.C. (eds.): Informationsbedarfsermittlung und –analyse für den Entwurf von Informationssystemen. Proc. GI-Fachtagung, Linz, 1987.
- Mayr, H.C.; Dittrich, K.R.; Lockemann, P.C.: Datenbankentwurf. In: Datenbankhandbuch, Springer-Verlag, 1987.
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- Gaube, W.; Lockemann, P.C.; Mayr, H.C.: Wiederfinden zum Wiederverwenden: Rechnergestützter Modul-Nachweis auf der Basis formaler Spezifikationen. In: Software- Architektur und modulare Programmierung. Teubner, 1986, pp 66-80.
- Gaube, W.; Mayr, H.C.; Lockemann, P.C.: Retrieval in a Module Library Using Formal Specifications: Preliminary Search Using Syntactic Properties. LNCS 204, Springer, 1986, pp 181-196.
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- Mayr, H.C.; Meyer, B.E.: Modellierung und Konstruktion bei der Entwicklung von Informationssystemen. Proc. GI-Fachtagung, Tutzing, 1984.
- Mayr, H.C.; Bever, M.; Lockemann, P.C.: Prototyping Interactive Application Systems. In (Budde et al. Eds.): Approaches to Prototyping, Springer, 1984, pp 105-121.
- Gaube, W.; Lockemann, P.C.; Mayr, H.C.: ORS-Spezifikationslabor: Generierung von PROLOG Programmen aus Definitionen Abstrakter Datentypen. TR 15/84, Fak. für Informatik, Univ. Karlsruhe.
- Fischer, G.; Mayr, H.C.: Zur Anwendung unterschiedlicher Simulationsstrategien auf dasselbe Modellobjekt. In: Simulationstechnik, Informatik-Fachbericht 56, Springer, 1982, pp 89-98
- Mayr, H.C.; Bever, M.; Lockemann, P.C.: A Common Platform for Application Systems and Requirements Engineering. TR 32/82, Fak. für Informatik, Univ. Karlsruhe, 1982.
- Bever, M.; Gaube, W.; Lockemann, P.C.; Mayr, H.C.: Erzeugung von Anwendersystemen. TR 11/81. Fak. für Informatik, Univ. Karlsruhe, 1981.
- Bever, M.; Gaube, W.; Lockemann, P.C.; Mayr, H.C.: Method Base Systems – A Tool for Decision Support. In: Database Management Theory and Applications, D. Reidel Publ. Company, 1981, pp 107-130.
- Bever, M.; Gaube, W.; Lockemann, P.C.; Mayr, H.C.: Construction of Application Systems – Some Aspects of its Standardization. LNCS 124, Springer, 1981, pp 85-102.
- Dürre, K.; Mayr, H.C.; Müller, G.A.T.; Thoma, H.: KISS – Das Karlsruher interaktive Soziometrie-System. Angewandte Informatik, Vol. 8, 1981, pp 338-345.
- Thoma, H.; Mayr, H.C.; Lindenthal, U.; Dürre, K.: Grundsoftware für interaktive Dienstleistungen. Angewandte Informatik, Vol. 7, 1981, pp 292-301.
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- Mayr, H.C.: Make More of Data Types. ACM SIGPLAN Notices Vol. 16, No. 1, 1981, pp.158-160.
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- Mayr, H.C.; Lockemann, P.C.; Dittrich, K.R.: Operational Replacement Schemes – A Practice Oriented Approach to the Specification of Abstract Data Types. TR 11/80, Fak. für Informatik, Univ. Karlsruhe, 1980.
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- Lockemann, P.C.; Mayr, H.C.; Weil, W.H.; Wohlleber, W.H.: Data Abstractions for Database Systems. ACM TODS Vol 4, 1979, pp 60-75.
- Dürre, K.; Lindenthal, U.; Mayr, H.C.; Thoma, H.: Interaktive Soziometrische Dienstleistungen – Ein Beispiel für die Anwendung des Methodenbankrahmens BUTLER. TR 16/79, Fak. für Informatik, Univ. Karlsruhe, 1979.
- Lockemann, P.C.; Mayr, H.C.; Dittrich, K.R.: A Pragmatic Approach to the Algebraic Specification of Software Modules. TR 1/79. Fak. für Informatik, Univ. Karlsruhe, 1979.
- Lockemann, P.C.; Mayr, H.C.: Rechnergestützte Informationsysteme. Springer, 1978.
- Mayr, H.C.; Lockemann, P.C.: Formal Modeling of Discrete Dynamic Systems. In: Modelling and Performance Evaluation of Computer Systems. North-Holland Publ. Co., 1977, pp 255-266.
- Mayr, H.C.; Dürre, K.: Dialogue Systems for Interactive Problem Solving. In Electronic Displays, Network Newport Pagnell, Vol 3, 1976, pp 26-37.
- Mayr, H.C.; Dürre, K.: Konzeption und Leistungsspektrum interaktiver Dienstleistungssysteme. In (S. Dickhoven Eds.): Modellierungssoftware. GMD-Bericht IPES 76.102, 1976, pp 367-382.
- Dürre, K.; Mayr, H.C.: Eine spezielle Art von Dialogsystemen: Interaktive Dienstleistungssysteme. German Chapter ACM Lecture Notes II, 1976, pp 77-87.
- Mayr, H.C.: Zur formalen Beschreibung dynamischer Systeme. In: Proc. ‘Begriffliche Grundlagen für rechnergestützte Informationssysteme’, Weinheim, 1976.
- Mayr, H.C.: La notion de demibande. Etude algebrique et applications aux automates asynchrones. Dissertation, Université Grenoble, 1975.
- Krägeloh, K.-D.; Mayr, H.C.; Lockemann, P.C.: Zum Begriff der Abstrakten Maschine. TR 2/76, Fak. für Informatik, Univ. Karlsruhe,1976.
- Benzaken, C.; Mayr, H.C.: La notion de demibande – demibandes de type deux. Semigroup Forum Vol 10, 1975, Springer-Verlag, pp 115-128.
- Dürre, K.; Mayr, H.C.: Interaktive Dienstleistungssysteme. TR 18/75, Fak. für Informatik, Univ. Karlsruhe, 1975.
- Mayr, H.C.; Lockemann, P.C.: Entscheidungs- und Aktionsnetze; ein Konzept zur Modellierung dynamischer Systeme. TR 10/75, Fak. für Informatik, Univ. Karl