StudienassistentIn gesucht !!!!

Die Informatikwerkstatt der AAU Klagenfurt sucht eine Studienassistentin bzw. einen Studienassistenten zur Erstellung von Security-Lehrinhalten für Sekundarstufe I und II.

Bearbeitung im Rahmen einer BA- bzw. MA-Arbeit (UF Informatik, ggf. auch Angewandte Informatik) möglich.

Bei Interesse bitte Kontakt mit Andreas Bollin (andreas [dot] bollin [at] aau [dot] at) oder Peter Schartner (peter [dot] schartner [at] aau [dot] at) aufnehmen.

Der Beitrag StudienassistentIn gesucht !!!! erschien zuerst auf University of Klagenfurt.

Source: AAU TEWI

US Exchange Information Event: Joint Study and Fulbright


Save the Date: On October 29, 2019 the English Department hosts “US Exchange Information Event:Joint Study and Fulbright” at 4 pm in N.0.27.

Going abroad can be an exciting and rewarding experience for students, but it usually involves a lot of planning. The English Department is organizing an information event for students interested in participating in an exchange program in the United States. Former outgoing exchange students will share their personal experiences with the Joint Study as well as the Fulbright Language Teaching Assistant program. Additionally, a representative from the International Office at the AAU will provide information about the application process, including deadlines, grants, and other relevant organizational matters. Students will get first-hand information and useful tips on various aspects related to a successful stay in the US.

Joint Study Exchange
The Joint Study program enables students to study for one or two semesters at one of AAU’s numerous Joint Study partner universities in the United States. Students can benefit from a Joint Study stay abroad by acquiring additional knowledge, improving their foreign language skills, and enhancing their transcultural competences. In addition, students can get to know other academic traditions and improve their organizational skills.

Fulbright Language Teaching Assistantship
The Fulbright Foreign Language Teaching Assistantship Program provides young Austrian teachers and recent university graduates who have completed at least an undergraduate degree with the unique opportunity to spend an academic year at a US college or university assisting experienced professors in the instruction of German. It is a once-in-a-lifetime chance to experience campus life in the US, gain valuable classroom teaching experience, and gain insight into US higher education. The FLTA Program also gives participants a chance to take courses at their host institution and to experience American culture first-hand.

Der Beitrag US Exchange Information Event: Joint Study and Fulbright erschien zuerst auf University of Klagenfurt.

Source: AAU TEWI

Studying in the US as a Fulbright Language Teaching Assistant (FLTA)

Vanessa Erat finished her MA in English and American Studies with a thesis on “Elves and Empire: Challenging the Ludonarrative Colonialism and Othering in Dragon Age: Inquisition” in May 2018 and then left for the United States in August 2018 to work as a Fulbright Language Teaching Assistant (FLTA) at the University of Oklahoma (OU) in the academic year 2018-2019. Today, she joins us to talk about some of her experiences and to offer advice to everybody who would also be interested in spending a year in the US teaching German as a foreign language.

Thank you for taking the time to sit down with us and answering a few questions about your experiences. Going abroad is always an exciting opportunity and helps students in many ways, what are some of the reasons you decided to spend a year in the US and to go abroad in general?

Thank you for having me and I am glad to share my experiences with you. This was altogether my fourth experience living abroad after spending time in Finland, Wales, and Canada. I decided to apply for the FLTA program because teaching German was new ground for me. I was excited to take on that challenge and to spend a longer period of time in a country whose cultures and histories are part of what I study. The Fulbright program assigns you to a university based on your qualifications and in my case that was the University of Oklahoma, which was especially interesting for me because Oklahoma is a state I have never been to before. So my experience became a discovery of new grounds in more ways than one, and I am really grateful for that.


How does the FLTA process work and how can we imagine your typical day at OU as both a student and a teacher?

You start with an online application via the Fulbright Austria website. The deadline is November 15, and if your application is successful, it is followed by a bilingual interview with board members of the Austrian-American Educational Commission. After having been accepted into the program, I got in touch with my future supervisor at OU and with my FLTA predecessors who gave me helpful tips about the daily life on my host institution’s campus.

In April, the Austrian Fulbright Commission holds the Fulbright Seminar in American Studies in Strobl am Wolfgangsee, which serves as a meeting point for American grantees in Austria and Austrian grantees going to the States, but also doubles as a first pre-orientation for outgoing program participants. During these three days, I got to know fellow grantees participating in the program. In June, we had a final orientation in Vienna where we could talk to previous participants, were provided with a structured overview of what to expect, and given important guidelines. Part of why I am so grateful that I could participate in an educational exchange program of this caliber is that the pre-departure orientations provided by Fulbright Austria were incredibly structured and organized. You feel well taken care of and are never left stranded.

Since all American universities have different starting dates, we all had different times when we left the country; I was part of the first group of Austrian FLTAs to depart. Before you go to your host institution for your FLTA year, you participate in a Fulbright FLTA Summer Orientation at another US campus. In my case, this was the summer orientation hosted by the Penn Language Center at the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia. We had three days of workshops and orientation seminars on what to expect in the American classroom, including input on teaching standards and intercultural competences. Together, we were about 75 FLTAs all from different countries. A lot of attention was paid to group building, which contributed to the feeling of being part of a Fulbright family before we then departed to our host institutions.

Then the semester began: I taught German 1115, a beginners’ class that took place five days a week, and participated as a “cultural ambassador” in the OU German Club. I also audited two classes per semester, which in addition to learning was a fantastic opportunity for making friends and connecting with the campus community. You can choose what is relevant for your own coursework, but every FLTA has to take at least one course (in the entire year) that is related to American Studies since the program serves the promotion of mutual understanding and exchange between peoples.

Throughout my year at OU, I audited two courses in the Department of Native American Studies (NAS). Since Oklahoma is home to a variety of Native American tribes, I wanted to take the opportunity to learn more about Indigenous communities and their lands. The NAS Department at OU is a great place for learning about current issues in politics, culture, and society, alongside a multitude of native languages. I particularly appreciated the chance to attend a course about Native American women in the fall semester, i.e. at the same time of the midterm elections which saw Deb Haaland and Sharice Davids make history as the first Native American women elected to congress. At the same time, Native American women are still affected by the ongoing epidemic of Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women (MMIW) across the US and Canada.

I also attended a literature class on German Medieval Literature, which was held in both German and English. It was great for me to see what higher-level students of German do with the language, reminding me of what I saw in our English literature classes at AAU. In the spring semester, I had the opportunity to audit a graduate-level class on the American West taught at the Department of History, which helped me advance my own research for a conference I presented at.

As for my typical day, here’s how you can imagine my schedule: I taught around noon, so I prepared in the mornings, went to campus, did some work after my class, and attended my audit classes in the afternoon or evening. Together with colleagues in the OU German Club, I organized and participated in different events, such as a poetry night, a pub quiz or a “Weihnachtsbäckerei”. We also hosted “Stammtisch”, a weekly German Club meeting at a local pub. I really enjoyed the fact that there were always so many things happening on campus, which helps to create a strong sense of community among students and peers.


The university system, and life in general in the US, differs quite a lot from what we know in Austria. Would you mind explaining some of the most significant differences or potential challenges you experienced while living in the US?

Definitely distance and transportation. The University of Oklahoma is located in Norman, a town in the larger Oklahoma City area. Public transportation there is not as extensive or widespread as in many Austrian towns. Luckily, my first accommodation was across the street from a fairly good grocery store. Later, when I moved to campus, I could either walk forty minutes to the nearest organic grocery store or ask a friend to give me a ride. Weather permitting, biking is also an option, although cycling lanes off campus are few and far in between. Apart from getting used to long distances and limited public transport—unless in big cities—prices, including rent or food and restaurant prices, were also quite different, down to tipping, of course.

Something I enjoy every time I am in the US is the huge diversity that runs through all levels of day-to-day life. I miss Mexican food so much! Cuisine aside, I always appreciate the diversity in general that comes from being surrounded by people of different cultures coming together. The cultural makeup of the US is vastly different than the one of Austria, and I cherished the opportunity to learn from and live with people from all over the world. This also extends to getting to know the other participants in the FLTA Program, of course. In December, all program participants came together in Washington, D.C., for the 2018 FLTA Mid-Year Conference. Participants could present in a panel format to reflect on what they have learned so far. We also had a set of speakers and presenters to host additional workshops on topics ranging from incorporating cutting-edge teaching methods to combating language stereotypes. This was a great opportunity for FLTAs to talk about their experiences and spend some time together.

The American academic system in general is radically different from the Austrian one. The high amount of tuition fees that students have to pay puts a lot of pressure on them and their performance as students. This, of course, influences the way you as an instructor interact with your students. I tried to be as mindful as possible and approach my students individually about any kind of problem they might encounter to help them move forward. In general, the pressure faced by undergraduate students in America is nothing I have ever experienced in my own student life in Austria.

Likewise, my students were eager to learn about cultural and social differences. One thing they found particularly interesting is how our social and healthcare system works here in Austria.


Is there any advice you want to give to those students who also want to embark on such a journey? Why do you think someone should spend some time abroad? Would you do it all over again the same way?

I would definitely do it again! For practical reasons it improves your CV and increases your language and intercultural skills, but on a more personal level it teaches you so much about yourself by stepping outside of your usual box and the culture you grew up in. It challenges you to leave your comfort zone and demonstrate self-resilience. It’s an important reminder that the world doesn’t end at the borders of your nation and that there are so many different ways of living and doing life. It is something every young person should experience in my opinion. In the end, going abroad also changes how you perceive your own culture, and it’s a great opportunity to share these insights with people at home and address common cultural stereotypes.


If you are interested in becoming a Fulbright Language Teaching Assistant,

apply until November 15.

For those who are interested in going to the U.S. for a semester or year, the Department of English will also host aJoint Study / Fulbright Language Teaching Assistant event on October 29 at 4 pm in N.0.43 – More information soon!


Der Beitrag Studying in the US as a Fulbright Language Teaching Assistant (FLTA) erschien zuerst auf University of Klagenfurt.

Source: AAU TEWI

Teaching German in the US as a Fulbright Language Teaching Assistant (FLTA)

Vanessa Erat finished her MA in English and American Studies with a thesis on “Elves and Empire: Challenging the Ludonarrative Colonialism and Othering in Dragon Age: Inquisition” in May 2018 and then left for the United States in August 2018 to work as a Fulbright Language Teaching Assistant (FLTA) at the University of Oklahoma (OU) in the academic year 2018-2019. Today, she joins us to talk about some of her experiences and to offer advice to everybody who would also be interested in spending a year in the US teaching German as a foreign language.

Thank you for taking the time to sit down with us and answering a few questions about your experiences. Going abroad is always an exciting opportunity and helps students in many ways, what are some of the reasons you decided to spend a year in the US and to go abroad in general?

Thank you for having me and I am glad to share my experiences with you. This was altogether my fourth experience living abroad after spending time in Finland, Wales, and Canada. I decided to apply for the FLTA program because teaching German was new ground for me. I was excited to take on that challenge and to spend a longer period of time in a country whose cultures and histories are part of what I study. The Fulbright program assigns you to a university based on your qualifications and in my case that was the University of Oklahoma, which was especially interesting for me because Oklahoma is a state I have never been to before. So my experience became a discovery of new grounds in more ways than one, and I am really grateful for that.


How does the FLTA process work and how can we imagine your typical day at OU as both a student and a teacher?

You start with an online application via the Fulbright Austria website. The deadline is November 15, and if your application is successful, it is followed by a bilingual interview with board members of the Austrian-American Educational Commission. After having been accepted into the program, I got in touch with my future supervisor at OU and with my FLTA predecessors who gave me helpful tips about the daily life on my host institution’s campus.

In April, the Austrian Fulbright Commission holds the Fulbright Seminar in American Studies in Strobl am Wolfgangsee, which serves as a meeting point for American grantees in Austria and Austrian grantees going to the States, but also doubles as a first pre-orientation for outgoing program participants. During these three days, I got to know fellow grantees participating in the program. In June, we had a final orientation in Vienna where we could talk to previous participants, were provided with a structured overview of what to expect, and given important guidelines. Part of why I am so grateful that I could participate in an educational exchange program of this caliber is that the pre-departure orientations provided by Fulbright Austria were incredibly structured and organized. You feel well taken care of and are never left stranded.

Since all American universities have different starting dates, we all had different times when we left the country; I was part of the first group of Austrian FLTAs to depart. Before you go to your host institution for your FLTA year, you participate in a Fulbright FLTA Summer Orientation at another US campus. In my case, this was the summer orientation hosted by the Penn Language Center at the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia. We had three days of workshops and orientation seminars on what to expect in the American classroom, including input on teaching standards and intercultural competences. Together, we were about 75 FLTAs all from different countries. A lot of attention was paid to group building, which contributed to the feeling of being part of a Fulbright family before we then departed to our host institutions.

Then the semester began: I taught German 1115, a beginners’ class that took place five days a week, and participated as a “cultural ambassador” in the OU German Club. I also audited two classes per semester, which in addition to learning was a fantastic opportunity for making friends and connecting with the campus community. You can choose what is relevant for your own coursework, but every FLTA has to take at least one course (in the entire year) that is related to American Studies since the program serves the promotion of mutual understanding and exchange between peoples.

Throughout my year at OU, I audited two courses in the Department of Native American Studies (NAS). Since Oklahoma is home to a variety of Native American tribes, I wanted to take the opportunity to learn more about Indigenous communities and their lands. The NAS Department at OU is a great place for learning about current issues in politics, culture, and society, alongside a multitude of native languages. I particularly appreciated the chance to attend a course about Native American women in the fall semester, i.e. at the same time of the midterm elections which saw Deb Haaland and Sharice Davids make history as the first Native American women elected to congress. At the same time, Native American women are still affected by the ongoing epidemic of Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women (MMIW) across the US and Canada.

I also attended a literature class on German Medieval Literature, which was held in both German and English. It was great for me to see what higher-level students of German do with the language, reminding me of what I saw in our English literature classes at AAU. In the spring semester, I had the opportunity to audit a graduate-level class on the American West taught at the Department of History, which helped me advance my own research for a conference I presented at.

As for my typical day, here’s how you can imagine my schedule: I taught around noon, so I prepared in the mornings, went to campus, did some work after my class, and attended my audit classes in the afternoon or evening. Together with colleagues in the OU German Club, I organized and participated in different events, such as a poetry night, a pub quiz or a “Weihnachtsbäckerei”. We also hosted “Stammtisch”, a weekly German Club meeting at a local pub. I really enjoyed the fact that there were always so many things happening on campus, which helps to create a strong sense of community among students and peers.


The university system, and life in general in the US, differs quite a lot from what we know in Austria. Would you mind explaining some of the most significant differences or potential challenges you experienced while living in the US?

Definitely distance and transportation. The University of Oklahoma is located in Norman, a town in the larger Oklahoma City area. Public transportation there is not as extensive or widespread as in many Austrian towns. Luckily, my first accommodation was across the street from a fairly good grocery store. Later, when I moved to campus, I could either walk forty minutes to the nearest organic grocery store or ask a friend to give me a ride. Weather permitting, biking is also an option, although cycling lanes off campus are few and far in between. Apart from getting used to long distances and limited public transport—unless in big cities—prices, including rent or food and restaurant prices, were also quite different, down to tipping, of course.

Something I enjoy every time I am in the US is the huge diversity that runs through all levels of day-to-day life. I miss Mexican food so much! Cuisine aside, I always appreciate the diversity in general that comes from being surrounded by people of different cultures coming together. The cultural makeup of the US is vastly different than the one of Austria, and I cherished the opportunity to learn from and live with people from all over the world. This also extends to getting to know the other participants in the FLTA Program, of course. In December, all program participants came together in Washington, D.C., for the 2018 FLTA Mid-Year Conference. Participants could present in a panel format to reflect on what they have learned so far. We also had a set of speakers and presenters to host additional workshops on topics ranging from incorporating cutting-edge teaching methods to combating language stereotypes. This was a great opportunity for FLTAs to talk about their experiences and spend some time together.

The American academic system in general is radically different from the Austrian one. The high amount of tuition fees that students have to pay puts a lot of pressure on them and their performance as students. This, of course, influences the way you as an instructor interact with your students. I tried to be as mindful as possible and approach my students individually about any kind of problem they might encounter to help them move forward. In general, the pressure faced by undergraduate students in America is nothing I have ever experienced in my own student life in Austria.

Likewise, my students were eager to learn about cultural and social differences. One thing they found particularly interesting is how our social and healthcare system works here in Austria.


Is there any advice you want to give to those students who also want to embark on such a journey? Why do you think someone should spend some time abroad? Would you do it all over again the same way?

I would definitely do it again! For practical reasons it improves your CV and increases your language and intercultural skills, but on a more personal level it teaches you so much about yourself by stepping outside of your usual box and the culture you grew up in. It challenges you to leave your comfort zone and demonstrate self-resilience. It’s an important reminder that the world doesn’t end at the borders of your nation and that there are so many different ways of living and doing life. It is something every young person should experience in my opinion. In the end, going abroad also changes how you perceive your own culture, and it’s a great opportunity to share these insights with people at home and address common cultural stereotypes.


If you are interested in becoming a Fulbright Language Teaching Assistant,

apply until November 15.

For those who are interested in going to the U.S. for a semester or year, the Department of English will also host aJoint Study / Fulbright Language Teaching Assistant event on October 29 at 4 pm in N.0.43 – More information soon!


Der Beitrag Teaching German in the US as a Fulbright Language Teaching Assistant (FLTA) erschien zuerst auf University of Klagenfurt.

Source: AAU TEWI

New Colleague @ IAS

Symbolfoto Forschungsgruppe IAS

We are very happy to welcome our new colleague Mahmoud Sadeghi in the Department of Informatics Systems. Mahmoud Sadeghi starts his work in the Interactive Systems research group in October, 2019.

Der Beitrag New Colleague @ IAS erschien zuerst auf University of Klagenfurt.

Source: AAU TEWI

04.10.2019 – UNI-Party – no 24 hour access

Öffnungszeiten Bibliothek | Foto: Andrea Bem

UNI Party:

The library will be closed and there will be no 24 hour access

Fri, October 04, 17:00 – Sat, October 05, 06:00.

Der Beitrag 04.10.2019 – UNI-Party – no 24 hour access erschien zuerst auf University of Klagenfurt.

Source: AAU TEWI

Student Bloggers Wanted!

Do you have a passion for writing? Would you like to gain more writing experience? Then why not write for the Department of English and American Studies’ blog?

We are currently looking for student writers to write about a variety of topics, ranging from their experiences studying English at the University of Klagenfurt to their top language learning tips.

A typical post for the blog is approximately 400-500 words. As all articles will be proofread by a member of staff in the English Department, this is a great opportunity to receive feedback on a text and learn more about the writing process. In addition to providing a text, students should also include a photograph with their article that can be used on the blog. Please note that it is important that writers own the rights to any photographs they submit, and they must have permission from any people shown in the photograph for their image to be shared online.

Students’ blog posts will be seen by anyone visiting the Department’s homepage, and writers will be able to share their posts with friends and family across their social media by using the sharing tools available (including Facebook, LinkedIn and Instagram). For students who are hoping to go into a career in writing and publishing this is a great opportunity to gain some experience and develop their CV.

Whether you are a new student in the Department or an alumnus, we are looking forward to hearing from you!

If you are interested in writing for the blog, or if you have any questions, please contact Natilly Macartney at natilly [dot] macartney [at] aau [dot] at .

Der Beitrag Student Bloggers Wanted! erschien zuerst auf University of Klagenfurt.

Source: AAU TEWI

Studienassistenz (10h/Woche) gesucht!!!!

Die AAU Klagenfurt / TeWi sucht für den Zeitraum Oktober 2019 bis einschließlich Februar 2020 eine Studienassistentin bzw. einen Studienassistenten (10h/Woche).


– Wartung der Lehrveranstaltungen im LVOnline

– Unterstützung bei der Erfassung der Lehrveranstaltungen

– Umsetzung der Raumplanung

– Mitarbeit bei der PASS!-Initiative (z.B. Recherchetätigkeit)

Erwünscht sind:

+ Deutschkenntnisse

+ Genauigkeit

+ Verlässlichkeit

+ Organisationstalent und die Bereitschaft zur raschen Einarbeitung.

Bewerbungen an Peter Schartner oder Birgit Schaller erbeten.

Der Beitrag Studienassistenz (10h/Woche) gesucht!!!! erschien zuerst auf University of Klagenfurt.

Source: AAU TEWI

Oct 10, 2019 (state holiday of Carinthia)

Öffnungszeiten Bibliothek | Foto: Andrea Bem

Thu, Oct 10, 2019 (state holiday of Carinthia) – The library will be open from:

08:30 to 16:00


University members have unrestricted access to the library‘s reading rooms.

Registration for the 24-hour library is possible via the campus system under “My settings” >> 24-hour library.
Please register at least one day before you plan to use this service for the first time. Accounts are activated every day at midnight.

Der Beitrag Oct 10, 2019 (state holiday of Carinthia) erschien zuerst auf University of Klagenfurt.

Source: AAU TEWI

Österreichische Gesellschaft für Fachdidaktik Symposium 2019

On Monday 23rd September, Senior Lecturers Gregor Chudoba and Natilly Macartney presented a current research project of the English Department at the Österreichische Gesellschaft für Fachdidaktik Symposium (ÖGFD) in Klagenfurt. The presentation of the project titled “How Austrian Students Learn the Pronunciation of English (HALPE)” took place during a poster session in the afternoon.

HALPE Project

In a mixed methods approach, Dr Chudoba, along with colleagues from the Department of English, conducted semi-structured interviews and used questionnaires to discover what distinguishes successful learners of English pronunciation from less successful learners. Factors that were investigated included, amongst others, musicality, language awareness, motivation, sojourns abroad and learning strategies.

What factors were significant?

The findings were surprising and revealed that musicality and sojourns abroad did not feature as a distinguishing factor in the successful learners who participated in this study. However, the values of factors such as determination and ambition as well as adopting a well-structured approach to learning were all shown to be significantly higher in the successful learners.

The ÖGFD symposium, founded in 2012, brings together researchers and practitioners from a vast array of subjects, ranging from mathematics to sport. Commenting on the day, Gregor Chudoba said, “I found the exchange with fellow researchers, mainly from other universities in Austria, most stimulating. Two or three also expressed a concrete interest in co-operating on an extended HALPE project, the one we presented at the conference. Generally, critical thinking appears to be a hot topic in secondary school didactics, which is bound to find its way into university teaching, too.”

The HALPE poster is available in the gallery images below. If you are interested in the study and would like to know more, or if you would like to get involved with the HALPE project, then please contact Gregor Chudoba at gregor.chudoba(at)


Der Beitrag Österreichische Gesellschaft für Fachdidaktik Symposium 2019 erschien zuerst auf University of Klagenfurt.

Source: AAU TEWI