Heinrich C. Mayr
Application EngineeringContact: heinrich.mayr@aau.at
Tel: +43 463 2700 3732
Room: D10.1.03
AAU Business Card
List of Leading Functions (General Chair, Program Chair, Co-Chair) at International Conferences
Research fields
- Model Engineering: Methodology, Languages, Tools, Applications
- Enterprise, business process and information system modeling, analysis and design
- Ambient Assistance
- User centered requirements engineering
- Knowledge engineering and management in the context of support systems
- Software process improvement and software project management
(Co-)Author/Editor of more than 240 scientific publications in these fields
- Peter P. Chen Award [2024]
- Grand Medal of Honor of the Carinthian Chamber of Commerce [2016]
- ER Fellow [2013]
- Golden Medal of the City of Klagenfurt, Austria [2013]
- Honored Professor of Sciences, Kherson State University, Ukraine [2012]
- Fellow Gesellschaft für Informatik (GI), Germany [2008]
- Doctor Honoris Causa, National Technical University Kharkiv, Ukraine [2001]
Academic and Professional Career
- Full Professor: Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt, Austria [1990-2016, now Emeritus]
- Visiting Professor: Universities of Marburg and Saarbrücken, Germany; National Technical University Kharkiv, Ukraine; Massey University, Palmerston North, New Zealand; Universitat Politècnica de València, Spain
- CEO of a German Software Company [1984-1990]
- Associate Professor at Technische Universität München [1983-1984]
- Research and University Assistant; Lecturer: Karlsruhe University (KIT), Germany [1975-1982]
- Supervisor of >100 Master and Diploma Theses, 25 PhD Theses and several Habilitation Projects
- External expert for PhD projects at universities in Austria, Germany, France, New Zealand, Sri Lanka, Ukraine
- Heading of and participation in numerous nationally and internationally funded projects
- Program Committee Chairman/Member of numerous international scientific conferences
Academic Positions (selection)
- Rector (President) Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt [2006-2012]
- Supervisory Board Member Carinthian University College of Teacher Education [2006-2016]
- Head Constituent Convention (“Gründungssenat”) Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt [2002-2003]
- Dean Faculty of Economics, Business Administration and Informatics, Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt [1994-2000, 2004-2006]
- Head ‘eBusiness Institute’, Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt [2000-2008]
- Head Department of Informatics, Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt [1991-1994]
International Functions (selection)
- Member of the TC “Wirtschaftsinformatik”, ASIIN (accreditation association for engineer-ing, informatics, natural sciences and mathematics) [2014-2020]
- Chairman ER Steering Committee USA [2016-2018], Vice-Chairman [2014-2016], member [since 2006]
- Member of the Board of Trustees Klaus Tschira Stiftung, Heidelberg, Germany [2010-2016]
- Vice President CEPIS (Council of European Professional Informatics Societies), Brussels [2004-2006]
- Member of the Peer Group “Informatik/Informationstechnologie”, Research Council Ba-den-Württemberg, Germany [2001-2012]
- President Gesellschaft für Informatik (GI), Germany [2000-2003]
- Jury Member for the Software Engineering Award of the Ernst Denert-Stiftung, Germany [1997-2019]
- Vice President Gesellschaft für Informatik (GI), Germany [1996-1999]
- Chairman TC “Software Technology and Information Systems” (GI), Germany [1992-1996]
- Founder / Chairman / Board Member GI SIC EMISA, Germany
- Editor in chief “Lecture Notes in Informatics” [since 2001 – 2020, currently 308 volumes]
- Member Editorial Board “Data & Knowledge Engineering”, Elsevier B.V., The Netherlands [since 2005]
- Co-editor “Informatik Spektrum”, Springer Verlag [2006-2018]
- Co-editor “Wirtschaftsinformatik”, Springer Gabler, [2005-2010]
National Functions (selection)
- Member of the Supervisory Board of “Kärtner Flughafen Betriebsgesellschaft mbH” [since 2023]
- Member of the Supervisory Board of “Kärtner Beteiligungsverwaltung” [since 2018]
- Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Stadtwerke Klagenfurt (public utility company: water, electricity, public transport, district heating) [2013-2015]
- Member of the Academic Council of the Pedagogical College Carinthia [2006-2016]
- Vice President SIC (Software Internet Cluster) Carinthia [2001-2006]; now chairman of the council
- Jury Member for the Carinthian Innovation- and Research Award [2000-2011]
- Member of the board of the Austrian Computer Society (OCG) [1991-2011]
1975: Doctorate Applied Mathematics, University of Grenoble, France
1972: Diploma Applied Mathematics and Informatics, University of Grenoble, France
1970: Pre-degree Informatics, Karlsruhe University (today: KIT), Germany
1967-1968: Military Service (Officer), Germany
1958-1966: Humanistic Gymnasium (classical grammar school) München, Karlsruhe
1954-1958: Elementary School Rosenheim, München