This semester we’ve planned a book club of firsts. Firsts of what? The first book in a series! From November to February, each text that we’ll be reading is the first in a trilogy or series.
We hope that reading the first one will whet your appetite for finishing the series on your own. We’ll meet at Uniwirt at 5 pm each month (see flyer for dates) to discuss the book informally.
The purpose of the group is to allow you to talk about what you’ve read in a friendly, relaxed atmosphere.

The discussions will be facilitated by Patricia Keren <pakeren [at] edu [dot] aau [dot] at> and/or Blake Shedd <blake [dot] shedd [at] aau [dot] at>.
If you’re interested in helping out or planning the book club for the summer term, let us know! We look forward to seeing you there!

Book Club

Der Beitrag MONTHLY BOOK CLUB erschien zuerst auf University of Klagenfurt.

Source: AAU TEWI

Refugees and Displaced Persons in Postwar Austria: A Class Exhibition

orphanage in Germany, c. 1946. Photo courtesy of the United Nations Archives.

The following website contains work completed by students in Professor Andrew Urban’s seminar, “Gatekeeping Nations: The Politics of Migration Control in the United States and Europe,” which took place during the spring 2019 term.

Migration Studies and Narratives of Displacement: A Class Project at the University of Klagenfurt

The site is divided into three sections, and features a student-curated online exhibition on Displaced Persons in Austria and Europe during the years 1945 to 1947, and posts that address firsthand accounts of migration and how migration is covered by the media.


Der Beitrag Refugees and Displaced Persons in Postwar Austria: A Class Exhibition erschien zuerst auf University of Klagenfurt.

Source: AAU TEWI

ELT 2020


Friday, 17 January, 2020
8:20 – 5:00 pm
Stiftungssaal der Kärntner Sparkasse (O.0.1)


Univ.-Prof. Dr. Sarah Mercer, KFU Graz
Dr. Volker Eisenlauer, Universität der Bundeswehr München
Dr. Thorsten Merse, LMU München
Max von Blanckenburg, MA, LMU München
Dinorah Sapp, MA, University of Mississippi
Neil Stainthorpe, MA, Pädagogische Hochschule d. D. Linz
Mag. Verena Novak-Geiger, BA



Der Beitrag ELT 2020 erschien zuerst auf University of Klagenfurt.

Source: AAU TEWI